Computed Results
A listing of results that are computed in HyperView.
- Principal Stress and Principal Strain
- For a given stress/strain tensor S, the three principals are obtained as the roots of the cubic equation below:
- vonMises Stress
- =
- vonMises Strain
- =
- Signed vonMises
- The sign of the signed vonMises is determined by the sign of that principal which has the biggest absolute value.
- Pressure
- The pressure is generated by the average of the 3 normal stresses:
- Intensity
- The absolute difference between Major and Minor stresses:
- Max Shear
- The maximum shear stress/strain:
- Tresca
- Computed as the Maximum of the following:
- Lodeparam xi
- =
[(27/2) *(P1+pressure) * (P2+pressure) * (P3+pressure)] / (vonMises* vonMises * vonMises);
- Lodeparam theta
- =
1 – [2 * Pi * arccos(lodeparamxi)];
- Triaxility
- =
- Absolute Max Principal
- The largest of the three principal stresses or strains in absolute terms is contoured.
VonMises Strain Calculation - PapersYu Yang, Wang Ningfei, ZhangPing, Three-dimensional Damage Analysis of Free Loading Solid Propellant Grains Subjected to Low Temperature Loading. School of Mechano-Electronics Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China.