
Defaults for the offset functionality of Model Verification.

GUI Default Settings

Search tolerance for searching nearest parts as well as search tolerance for finding matching entities.

In case of Solid CAD vs FE, FE data must have correct thickness on property and the tolerance can be from 0.1 to 0.5mm. In case of sheet metal parts, the recommended tolerance is 1.0mm.
Default/Allowed: 0.1 to 5.0 mm
Cut off percentage for judging matched or unmatched parts. Too low value like 5% are not recommended while checking huge number of parts.
Default/Allowed: 15 to 30%
Initial director for Base model.
Default/Allowed: C:/temp
Input model types.
BOM file or UDMXML file saved from HyperMesh.
CAD geometry,1 part/file (folder contains multiple CAD).
Solver Deck file (single file).
CAD Assembly file (CatProduct/JT Assembly).
Multiple Assembly
Multiple Assembly files.
Spot File
Spot weld files (.vip, .mwf, .mcf, or .xml).
Default/Allowed: XML/CAD/FE/Assembly/../Spot File
Initial director for Variant model.
Default/Allowed: C:\temp
Input model types.
BOM file or UDMXML file saved from HyperMesh.
CAD geometry,1 part/file (folder contains multiple CAD).
Solver Deck file (single file).
CAD Assembly file (CatProduct/JT Assembly).
Multiple Assembly
Multiple Assembly files.
Spot File
Spot weld files (.vip, .mwf, .mcf, or .xml).
Default/Allowed: XML/CAD/FE/Assembly/../Spot File
Initial director for report out path.
Default/Allowed: C:/temp
report option
Output report formats. After check is completed, user can change this option to generate report any number of times. Excel report is faster than PowerPoint report.
Default/Allowed: Excel, PowerPoint or both
Output result types.
30.0 (threshold) to 100% matched parts
0.0 to 30% matched parts
0.0 to 100% parts
Default/Allowed: matched, unmatched or both
Output image types.
Light weight 2D
Default/Allowed: .h3d or .jpg
Default radio button options for Run type.
Checks will be run in the front ground HyperMesh session.
Checks will be executed in the background HyperMesh sessions, if error occurs recovery will be executed, the errors will be displayed in the browser as “Crash” key word.
Default/Allowed: interactive or background

Comparison Settings

Check elems in Surf Hole
CAD holes vs FE holes are compared, displays if any mismatches in the holes via comparison report.

Compares FE holes vs surface holes or surface holes vs FE holes.
Default/Allowed: ON or OFF
Min Dia of Hole
The minimum hole diameter for checking the holes mismatch. Big diameter holes are taken care by default.
Default/Allowed: 0.5 to 5.0
Max Dia of Hole
The maximum hole diameter for checking the holes mismatch.
Default/Allowed: 5 to 20.0
Compares free edge of FE data against free edges of CAD surface boundary lines, mismatch will be displayed in the comparison report.

Default/Allowed: ON or OFF
Free edges in FE data less than this tolerance will be ignored.
Default/Allowed: 0.0. to 0.1mm
Calculates thickness from cad by using Volume and Area of the CAD, the Thickness column will display the results. This calculated thickness value will be given preference over GUI tolerance for judging the match percentage.
Default/Allowed: ON or OFF
Thickness from FE data be given preference over GUI tolerance for judging the match percentage.
Default/Allowed: ON or OFF
Deletes the temporary FE folder created my MVD during the CAD-FE comparison. Once this folder is deleted, Result review may not be possible.
Default/Allowed: ON or OFF
Compares PID, MATERIAL, THICKNESS, WEIGHT values, except the shape comparison.
With bomcomparison=ON, and same-id-only=ON options, BOM comparison is executed, PowerPoint and Excel Reports are generated.
Default/Allowed: ON or OFF
Comparison of contact cards for the parts, it checks for card names and number of contact cards. Limited to Radioss, Nastran, PAM-CRASH, LS-DYNA.
Default/Allowed: ON or OFF
Comparison of Load collector cards for the parts, it checks for card names and number of contact cards. Limited to Radioss, Nastran, PAM-CRASH, LS-DYNA.
Default/Allowed: ON or OFF
Removes small diameter in holes on CAD surface, applicable only on CAD-FE comparison.
Default/Allowed: ON or OFF
Pin hole radius, holes less than this value will be physically removed while comparison.
Default/Allowed: 0.1 to 5.0
After comparison for unmatched parts below, process is automatically executed.
  • Group parts based on match% and report threshold%
  • Execute Batchmesher
  • Replace CAD with Batch Meshed FEs
  • Assign material and property
  • Load assembly (old + new mesh) import

  • Parts Group (Part Browser / Part Set View)
Default/Allowed: ON or OFF
Each time two parts will be compared if the value is 0. # of parts are loaded at once in one HyperMesh session and comparison will be executed, if the value is more than 0.
Default/Allowed: 0 to 1000
Parts will be searched at same location of base part, along with the tolerance value. Parts far from each other will be ignored. Works fine with small offset between both parts.

Default/Allowed: ON or OFF
Parts will be searched at same location of base part, if the same shape part is not found, the variant part is translated, then translated comparison will be executed. Translation distance will be automatically calculated.

Default/Allowed: ON or OFF
Parts will be searched at same location of base part, if the same shape part is not found variant part is reflected, then symmetry comparison will be executed. Symmetry plane will be calculated by parameter below.

Default/Allowed: ON or OFF
Plane to be considered for symmetryPlane comparison.
Default/Allowed: xy, yz or zx


Distance between centroid of base mode part and variant model part. Parts will not be compared, if the parts centroid are more than this value. Recommended value is around 200mm.
Default/Allowed: 10 to 1000
Minimum area ratio of base and variant parts. Parts will not be compared, if the parts ratio is less than this value. Recommended value is around 60%.
Default/Allowed: 1 to 60%
Maximum area ratio of base and variant parts. Parts will not be compared, if the parts ratio is more than this value. Recommended value is around 140%.
Default/Allowed: 101 to 140%
Parts with same PID will be compared and Parts with different PIDs will be ignored, if the value is ON. There is not much gain in the performance, but 1% match will be reported, in case this option is ON. This must be turned OFF in case not all the parts PID are NOT matching.
Default/Allowed: ON or OFF
Parts with same PartName will be compared and Parts with different PartName will be ignored, if the value is ON. This must be turned OFF in case not all the parts Name are NOT matching.
Default/Allowed: ON or OFF
Solid CAD vs Mid Mesh comparison will happen if this value is ON. This will affect only CAD-FE only when CAD is solid or closed volume surface.
Default/Allowed: ON or OFF
Seam nodes are excluded from the unmatched percentage calculation. This must be turned OFF in case Seam welds are not used in FE model.
Default/Allowed: ON or OFF
Bounding boxes for each part are displayed in the HyperMesh graphics for reference after the check and report is done. User can check if both of CAD or FE is at same place or same size.
Default/Allowed: ON or OFF

Representation Comparison

Single BOM comparison will be executed, if this parameter is ON, inside single part multiple representations will be compared and reports generated. Two model comparisons will be executed, if this parameter is OFF.
Default/Allowed: ON or OFF
Representations available in the Part Browser. CAD represents the Original CAD data, Mesh represents the FE data created by Batchmesher.
Default/Allowed: CAD, Mesh or Common
Representations available in the Part Browser. CAD represents the Original CAD data, Mesh represents the FE data created by Batchmesher. Usually this can be Mesh or Common.
Default/Allowed: CAD, Mesh or Common
Rep Comparison Output (stored in Report folder


cad-fe, cad-cad, fe-fe
Matched results will be calculated only if the entities are at exact location.
Matched results will be the sum of matched and Overlapped entities.
Matched results will be the sum of matched, Overlapped and Intersected entities.
Default/Allowed: matched, matched-overlapped, or matched-overlapped-intersected
Match % output type.
Default/Allowed: source, target or average
Match % display format.
Default/Allowed: up, down, nearest, or %.2f

Details on the Calculation Method

Occurs when a source or target surface is within the given tolerance of a compared surface using a direct surface to surface comparison. All points and lines comprising each surface must match between the surfaces. Each matched surface is placed in a separate match type group with the surface it matches.

Occurs for surfaces and elements when the matched criteria are not met.
Occurs when all facet nodes of a source or target surface are within the given tolerance of the compared surfaces and all of the facet nodes on the nearest compared surfaces' exterior edges are within the given tolerance of the source or target surface's exterior edges.

Occurs when at least one but not all facet nodes on a source or target surface are within the given tolerance of the compared surfaces or at least one of the facet nodes on the nearest compared surfaces' exterior edges is outside the given tolerance of the source or target surface's exterior edges.