Batch Mode
Run Model Verification operations in batch mode.
Batch Command
Batch command to load all the functionalities of Model Verification into the batch mode of HyperMesh.
<altair_home>/hm/bin/<platform>/hmbatch.exe –tcl <mvd/src\main>/batch.tcl
Batch Options
Syntax and the description of the available options when using Model Verification in batch mode.
Intersection Check
Supported Batch options for Intersection checks.
Mandatory Arguments
- "%hmbatch%"
- File path of hmbatch.exe
- -tcl
- File path of batch.tcl
- -mvd-feature
- Function name
- -mvd-input
- Folder / File name
- -mvd-input-type
- Cad/Fe/XML file type of %input%
- -mvd-output
- Result xml file name
- -mvd-report
- Report output path
Optional Arguments
- -nocommand
- No input needed
- -nouserprofiledialog
- No input needed
- -mvd-action
- Action type
- -mvd-bg
- No input needed
- -mvd-ncpu
- # of cores in current machine
- -mvd-log
- File name / File name
- -mvd-project-name
- Any string value display in report
- -mvd-slide-number
- Any integer value display in report
- -mvd-progress
- File name / File name
"%hmbatch%" -nocommand -nouserprofiledialog -tcl "%tcl_file%" -mvd-feature intersection
-mvd-input "%input%" -mvd-input-type "iges" -mvd-output "%output%" -mvd-report "%report%"
-mvd-action both -mvd-report-scope both -mvd-bg -mvd-ncpu 1 -mvd-log mvdLog.log -mvd-progress
Comparison Check
Supported Batch options for Comparison checks.
Mandatory Arguments
- "%hmbatch%"
- File path of hmbatch.exe
- -tcl
- File path of batch.tcl
- -mvd-feature
- Function Name
- -mvd-base
- Folder path / File name
- -mvd-base-type
- Cad/Fe/XML file type of %input%
- -mvd-variant
- Folder path / File name
- -mvd-variant-type
- Cad/Fe/XML file type of %input%
- -mvd-output
- Result xml file name
- -mvd-report
- Report output path
Optional Arguments
- -nocommand
- No input needed
- -nouserprofiledialog
- No input needed
- -mvd-action
- Action type
- -mvd-report-scope
- Report Option
- -mvd-bg
- No input needed
- -mvd-ncpu
- # of cores in current machine
- -mvd-log
- File name / File name
- -mvd-progress
- File name / File name
"%hmbatch%" -nocommand -nouserprofiledialog -tcl "%tcl_file%"
-mvd-feature comparison -mvd-base "%base%" -mvd-base-type iges -mvd-variant
"%variant%" -mvd-variant-type dyna -mvd-output "%output%" -mvd-report "%report%"
-mvd-action both -mvd-report-scope both -mvd-bg -mvd-ncpu 1 -mvd-log mvdLog.log
-mvd-progress mvdprogress.log
Spotweld Check (Fe)
Supported Batch options for Spotweld checks (Fe).
Mandatory Arguments
- "%hmbatch%"
- File path of hmbatch.exe
- -tcl
- File path batch.tcl
- -mvd-feature
- Function name
- -mvd-input
- Folder path of spot file & Fe file
- -mvd-input-type
- Fe file type of %input%
- -mvd-output
- Report output path
Optional Arguments
- -nocommand
- No input needed
- -nouserprofiledialog
- No input needed
- -mvd-action
- Action needed
- -mvd-bg
- No input needed
- -mvd-ncpu
- # of cores in current machine
- -mvd-log
- File name / File name
- -mvd-project-name
- Any string value display in report
- -mvd-slide-number
- Any integer value display in report
- -mvd-progress
- File name / File name
"%hmbatch%" -nocommand -nouserprofiledialog -tcl "%tcl_file%"
-mvd-feature spotweld -mvd-input "%input%" -mvd-input-type “pam” -mvd-output
"%output%" -mvd-action both -mvd-report-scope both -mvd-bg -mvd-ncpu 1 -mvd-log
mvdLog.log -mvd-progress mvdprogress.log
Spotweld Check (CAD)
Supported Batch options for Spotweld checks (CAD).
Mandatory Arguments
- "%hmbatch%"
- File path of hmbatch.exe
- -tcl
- File path batch.tcl
- -mvd-feature
- Function name
- -mvd-input
- Folder path contains spot file
- -mvd-spotweld-bom
- XML file path
- -mvd-output
- Report output path
Optional Arguments
- -nocommand
- No input needed
- -nouserprofiledialog
- No input needed
- -mvd-action
- Action type
- -mvd-bg
- No input needed
- -mvd-ncpu
- # of cores in current machine
- -mvd-log
- File name / File name
- -mvd-project-name
- Any string value display in report
- -mvd-slide-number
- Any integer value display in report
- -mvd-progress
- File name / File name
"%hmbatch%" -nocommand -nouserprofiledialog -tcl "%tcl_file%"
-mvd-feature spotweld -mvd-input "%input%" -mvd-spotweld-bom "%bomfile%"
-mvd-output "%output%" -mvd-action both -mvd-report-scope both -mvd-bg
-mvd-ncpu 1 -mvd-log mvdLog.log -mvd-progress mvdprogress.log
Connector Check (CAD)
Supported Batch options for Connection checks (CAD).
Mandatory Arguments
- "%hmbatch%"
- File path of hmbatch.exe
- -tcl
- File path batch.tcl
- -mvd-feature
- Function Name
- -mvd-input
- Folder path
- -mvd-connection-bom
- XML file path
- -mvd-output
- Report output path
Optional Arguments
- -nocommand
- No input needed
- -nouserprofiledialog
- No input needed
- -mvd-action
- Action type
- -mvd-bg
- No input needed
- -mvd-ncpu
- # of cores in current machine
- -mvd-log
- File name / File name
- -mvd-project-name
- Any string value display in report
- -mvd-slide-number
- Any integer value display in report
- -mvd-progress
- File name / File name
"%hmbatch%" -nocommand -nouserprofiledialog -tcl "%tcl_file%"
-mvd-feature connection -mvd-input "%input%" -mvd-connection-bom "%bomfile%"
-mvd-output "%output%" -mvd-action both -mvd-report-scope both -mvd-bg -mvd-ncpu
1 -mvd-log mvdLog.log -mvd-progress mvdprogress.log
Free-Part Check (CAD)
Supported Batch options for Free-Part checks (CAD).
Mandatory Arguments
- "%hmbatch%"
- File path of hmbatch.exe
- -tcl
- File path batch.tcl
- -mvd-feature
- Function name
- -mvd-input
- Folder path (contains Spot file)
- -mvd- freepart-bom
- XML file path
- -mvd-output
- Report output path
Optional Arguments
- -nocommand
- No input needed
- -nouserprofiledialog
- No input needed
- -mvd-action
- Action type
- -mvd-bg
- No input needed
- -mvd-ncpu
- # of cores in current machine
- -mvd-log
- File name / File name
- -mvd-project-name
- Any string value display in report
- -mvd-slide-number
- Any integer value display in report
- -mvd-progress
- File name / File name
"%hmbatch%" -nocommand -nouserprofiledialog -tcl "%tcl_file%"
-mvd-feature freepart -mvd-input "%input%" -mvd-output "%output%" -mvd-freepart-bom
"%bomfile%" -mvd-action both -mvd-report-scope both -mvd-bg -mvd-ncpu 1 -mvd-log
mvdLog.log -mvd-progress mvdprogress.log
Spot Comparison Check
Supported Batch options for Spot Comparison checks.
Mandatory Arguments
- "%hmbatch%"
- File path of hmbatch.exe
- -tcl
- File path batch.tcl
- -mvd-feature
- Function name
- -mvd-base
- File path of spot file A
- -mvd-variant
- File path of spot file B
- -mvd-spotcompare-bom
- XML file path
- -mvd-report
- Report output path
Optional Arguments
- -nocommand
- No input needed
- -nouserprofiledialog
- No input needed
- -mvd-action
- Action type
- -mvd-bg
- No input needed
- -mvd-ncpu
- # of cores in current machine
- -mvd-log
- File name / File name
- -mvd-project-name
- Any string value display in report
- -mvd-slide-number
- Any integer value display in report
- -mvd-progress
- File name / File name
"%hmbatch%" -nocommand -nouserprofiledialog -tcl "%tcl_file%"
-mvd-feature spotweld-comparison -mvd-base "%base%" -mvd-variant "%variant%"
-mvd-spotcompare-bom "%bom%" -mvd-report "%report%" -mvd-action both
-mvd-report-scope both -mvd-bg -mvd-ncpu 1 -mvd-log mvdLog.log -mvd-progress mvdprogress.log
Batch Mode Error Codes
Error messages displayed when you use incorrect input argument.
SL | Error Code Function and Message |
1 | 1001 Import: Missing CAD file to XML converter |
2 | 1002 Import: Failed to import CAD |
3 | 1003 Import: Failed to export the FE part to the file |
4 | 1004 Import: Problem obtaining HyperMesh version |
5 | 1005 Import: Unable to find the result file |
6 | 1006 Import: Unable to find the XML file |
7 | 1007 Import: Failed to export the FE part to the file |
8 | 1008 Import: Unable to find the result file in Import BG |
9 | 1009 Import: Select only one module. |
10 | 1010 Import: Invalid directory name specified |
12 | 2001 Offset: Failed in license checkout for Offset |
13 | 2002 Offset: Unknown action type in Offset |
14 | 2003 Offset: Failed to export the FE part to the file in Offset |
15 | 2004 Offset: No valid modules selected |
17 | 3001 Comparison: Unable to find the result file in BG |
18 | 3002 Comparison: No valid modules selected |
19 | 3003 Comparison: Select two or more modules for reporting |
20 | 3004 Comparison: No files in module selected. Please import the modules for comparison |
21 | 3005 Comparison: Unable to compare two modules in parental relationship |
22 | 3006 Comparison: Children found for Selected Module - Import cannot be done. For Compare Check - Select two or more modules |
23 | 3007 Comparison Report: No template file specified in the configuration for excel |
24 | 3008 Comparison Report: No template worksheet specified in the configuration for excel |
25 | 3009 Comparison Report: Template file not found in Comparison for excel |
26 | 3010 Comparison Report: Worksheet not found in the template for excel |
27 | 3011 Comparison Report: Failed in license checkout |
28 | 3012 Comparison Report: Record/Result file not found |
29 | 3013 Comparison Report: No template row specified in the configuration |
30 | 3014 Comparison Report: Invalid variant index |
31 | 3015 Comparison Report: Problem obtaining HyperMesh version |
32 | 3016 Comparison Report: No template file specified in the configuration for PPT |
33 | 3017 Comparison Report: No layout specified in the configuration for PPT |
34 | 3018 Comparison Report: Template file not found in PPT |
36 | 4001 Intersection: Failed in license checkout |
37 | 4002 Intersection: No valid modules selected in Intersection |
38 | 4003 Intersection Report: No template file specified in the configuration for PPT |
39 | 4004 Intersection Report: No layout specified in the configuration for PPT |
40 | 4005 Intersection Report: Template file not found in PPT |
42 | 5001 Spotweld: Failed in license checkout |
43 | 5002 Spotweld: Unable to find connector files |
44 | 5003 Spotweld: Unable to load FE model files |
45 | 5004 Spotweld: Unable to import model, Check Configuration |
46 | 5005 Spotweld: Unable to merge the hm file in HyperMesh |
47 | 5006 Spotweld: Unable to load result file |
48 | 5007 Spotweld: Unable to load model file |
49 | 5008 Spotweld: Unexpected action type |
50 | 5009 Spotweld: No connector files found in the input path |
51 | 5009 Spotweld: No valid modules selected |
52 | 5010 Spotweld Report: Error in sphere creation |
53 | 5011 Spotweld Report: Result Model not saved successfully. Backup in output path |
54 | 5012 Spotweld Report: No template file specified in the configuration for PPT |
55 | 5013 Spotweld Report: No layout specified in the configuration for PPT |
56 | 5014 Spotweld Report: Template file not found in PPT |
58 | 6001 Connection: Failed in license checkout |
59 | 6002 Connection: Unable to calculate the centroid from surfaces of component |
60 | 6003 Connection: Unable to create lines between centroid and surfaces of component |
61 | 6004 Connection: Unable to calculate the center line direction from surface edges of component |
62 | 6005 Connection: Unable to find the appropriate line to determine the center line direction |
63 | 6006 Connection: Unable to read the file in HyperMesh |
64 | 6007 Connection: Unable to find the result file in BG |
65 | 6008 Connection: Unable to load result file |
66 | 6009 Connection: Unable to load model file |
67 | 6010 Connection Unexpected action type |
68 | 6010 Connection Report: Check Result does not exist |
69 | 6011 Connection Report: No template file specified in the configuration for PPT |
70 | 6012 Connection Report: No layout specified in the configuration for PPT |
71 | 6013 Connection Report: Template file not found in PPT |
73 | 7001 Freepart: Failed in license checkout |
74 | 7002 Freepart: Unable to load FE model files |
75 | 7003 Freepart: Unable to read the file in HyperMesh |
76 | 7004 Freepart: No Model loaded |
77 | 7005 Freepart: Unable to find the result file in BG |
78 | 7006 Freepart: Unable to find connector files |
79 | 7007 Freepart: Unexpected action type |
80 | 7008 Freepart: Unable to load result file |
81 | 7008 Freepart: Unable to load model file |
82 | 7009 Freepart: No connector files found in the input path |
83 | 7010 Freepart Report: No template file specified in the configuration for PPT |
84 | 7011 Freepart Report: No layout specified in the configuration for PPT |
85 | 7012 Freepart Report: Template file not found in PPT |
Batch File Example
Example of a Model Verification batch file.
You must edit “ALTAIR_HOME”, “datapath” path in the following example.
set ALTAIR_HOME=C:\Program Files\Altair\2019
set dataPath=G:\BVT\2019\data
set hmbatch=%ALTAIR_HOME%\hm\bin\win64\hmbatch.exe
set tcl_file=%ALTAIR_HOME%\hm\scripts\MVD\mvdMain\src\main\batch.tcl
set base=%dataPath%\batch\iges
set variant=%dataPath%\batch\dyna
set output=%dataPath%\comparisonres.xml
set report=%dataPath%
cd /d g:
cd %dataPath%
IF not exist %report% (mkdir %report%)
"%hmbatch%" -nocommand -nouserprofiledialog -tcl "%tcl_file%" -mvd-feature comparison -mvd-base "%base%" -mvd-base-type iges -mvd-variant "%variant%" -mvd-variant-type dyna -mvd-output "%output%" -mvd-report "%report%" -mvd-action both -mvd-report-scope both -mvd-bg -mvd-ncpu 1 -mvd-log mvdLog.log -mvd-progress mvdprogress.log