Batch Mode

Run Model Verification operations in batch mode.

Batch Command

Batch command to load all the functionalities of Model Verification into the batch mode of HyperMesh.

<altair_home>/hm/bin/<platform>/hmbatch.exe –tcl <mvd/src\main>/batch.tcl

Batch Options

Syntax and the description of the available options when using Model Verification in batch mode.

Intersection Check

Supported Batch options for Intersection checks.

Mandatory Arguments

File path of hmbatch.exe
Value: hmbatch.exe
File path of batch.tcl
Value: batch.tcl
Function name
Value: intersection
Folder / File name
Value: "%input%"
Cad/Fe/XML file type of %input%
Value: " iges"
Result xml file name
Value: "intresult.xml"
Report output path
Value: "%report%"

Optional Arguments

No input needed
Value: Blank
No input needed
Value: Blank
Action type
Value: check/report/both
No input needed
Value: Blank
# of cores in current machine
Value: 2
File name / File name
Value: mvdLog.log
Any string value display in report
Value: “Name”
Any integer value display in report
Value: “1”
File name / File name
Value: mvdprogress.log


Example of a batch command.
"%hmbatch%" -nocommand -nouserprofiledialog -tcl "%tcl_file%" -mvd-feature intersection 
-mvd-input "%input%" -mvd-input-type "iges" -mvd-output "%output%" -mvd-report "%report%" 
-mvd-action both -mvd-report-scope both -mvd-bg -mvd-ncpu 1 -mvd-log mvdLog.log -mvd-progress 

Comparison Check

Supported Batch options for Comparison checks.

Mandatory Arguments

File path of hmbatch.exe
Value: hmbatch.exe
File path of batch.tcl
Value: batch.tcl
Function Name
Value: intersection
Folder path / File name
Value: "%base%"
Cad/Fe/XML file type of %input%
Value: “iges”
Folder path / File name
Value: "%variant%"
Cad/Fe/XML file type of %input%
Value: “radioss”
Result xml file name
Value: "compresult.xml"
Report output path
Value: "%report%"

Optional Arguments

No input needed
Value: Blank
No input needed
Value: Blank
Action type
Value: check/report/both
Report Option
Value: Excel / PPT / both
No input needed
Value: Blank
# of cores in current machine
Value: 2
File name / File name
Value: mvdLog.log
File name / File name
Value: mvdprogress.log


Example of a batch command.
"%hmbatch%" -nocommand -nouserprofiledialog -tcl "%tcl_file%" 
-mvd-feature comparison -mvd-base "%base%" -mvd-base-type iges -mvd-variant 
"%variant%" -mvd-variant-type dyna -mvd-output "%output%" -mvd-report "%report%" 
-mvd-action both -mvd-report-scope both -mvd-bg -mvd-ncpu 1 -mvd-log mvdLog.log 
-mvd-progress mvdprogress.log

Spotweld Check (Fe)

Supported Batch options for Spotweld checks (Fe).

Mandatory Arguments

File path of hmbatch.exe
Value: hmbatch.exe
File path batch.tcl
Value: batch.tcl
Function name
Value: spotweld
Folder path of spot file & Fe file
Value: "%input%"
Fe file type of %input%
Value: "optistruct/radioss/pam"
Report output path
Value: "%output%"
Note: The Spot file type is read from the configuration file.

Optional Arguments

No input needed
Value: Blank
No input needed
Value: Blank
Action needed
Value: check/report/both
No input needed
Value: Blank
# of cores in current machine
Value: 2
File name / File name
Value: mvdLog.log
Any string value display in report
Value: “Name”
Any integer value display in report
Value: “1”
File name / File name
Value: mvdprogress.log


Example of a batch command.
"%hmbatch%" -nocommand -nouserprofiledialog -tcl "%tcl_file%" 
-mvd-feature spotweld -mvd-input "%input%" -mvd-input-type “pam” -mvd-output 
"%output%" -mvd-action both -mvd-report-scope both -mvd-bg -mvd-ncpu 1 -mvd-log 
mvdLog.log -mvd-progress mvdprogress.log

Spotweld Check (CAD)

Supported Batch options for Spotweld checks (CAD).

Mandatory Arguments

File path of hmbatch.exe
Value: hmbatch.exe
File path batch.tcl
Value: batch.tcl
Function name
Value: spotweld
Folder path contains spot file
Value: "%input%"
XML file path
Value: "%bomfile%"
Report output path
Value: "%output%"
Note: The Spot file type is read from the configuration file.

Optional Arguments

No input needed
Value: Blank
No input needed
Value: Blank
Action type
Value: check/report/both
No input needed
Value: Blank
# of cores in current machine
Value: 2
File name / File name
Value: mvdLog.log
Any string value display in report
Value: "Name"
Any integer value display in report
Value: “1”
File name / File name
Value: mvdprogress.log


Example of a batch command.
"%hmbatch%" -nocommand -nouserprofiledialog -tcl "%tcl_file%" 
-mvd-feature spotweld -mvd-input "%input%" -mvd-spotweld-bom "%bomfile%" 
-mvd-output "%output%" -mvd-action both -mvd-report-scope both -mvd-bg 
-mvd-ncpu 1 -mvd-log mvdLog.log -mvd-progress mvdprogress.log

Connector Check (CAD)

Supported Batch options for Connection checks (CAD).

Mandatory Arguments

File path of hmbatch.exe
Value: hmbatch.exe
File path batch.tcl
Value: batch.tcl
Function Name
Value: connection
Folder path
Value: "%input%"
XML file path
Value: "%bomfile%"
Report output path
Value: "%output%"

Optional Arguments

No input needed
Value: Blank
No input needed
Value: Blank
Action type
Value: check/report/both
No input needed
Value: Blank
# of cores in current machine
Value: 2
File name / File name
Value: mvdLog.log
Any string value display in report
Value: “Name”
Any integer value display in report
Value: “1”
File name / File name
Value: mvdprogress.log


Example of a batch command.
"%hmbatch%" -nocommand -nouserprofiledialog -tcl "%tcl_file%" 
-mvd-feature connection -mvd-input "%input%" -mvd-connection-bom "%bomfile%" 
-mvd-output "%output%" -mvd-action both -mvd-report-scope both -mvd-bg -mvd-ncpu 
1 -mvd-log mvdLog.log -mvd-progress mvdprogress.log

Free-Part Check (CAD)

Supported Batch options for Free-Part checks (CAD).

Mandatory Arguments

File path of hmbatch.exe
Value: hmbatch.exe
File path batch.tcl
Value: batch.tcl
Function name
Value: freepart
Folder path (contains Spot file)
Value: "%input%"
-mvd- freepart-bom
XML file path
Value: "%bomfile%"
Report output path
Value: "%output%"
Note: The Spot file type is read from the configuration file.

Optional Arguments

No input needed
Value: Blank
No input needed
Value: Blank
Action type
Value: check/report/both
No input needed
Value: Blank
# of cores in current machine
Value: 2
File name / File name
Value: mvdLog.log
Any string value display in report
Value: “Name”
Any integer value display in report
Value: “1”
File name / File name
Value: mvdprogress.log


Example of a batch command.
"%hmbatch%" -nocommand -nouserprofiledialog -tcl "%tcl_file%" 
-mvd-feature freepart -mvd-input "%input%" -mvd-output "%output%" -mvd-freepart-bom 
"%bomfile%" -mvd-action both -mvd-report-scope both -mvd-bg -mvd-ncpu 1 -mvd-log 
mvdLog.log -mvd-progress mvdprogress.log

Spot Comparison Check

Supported Batch options for Spot Comparison checks.

Mandatory Arguments

File path of hmbatch.exe
Value: hmbatch.exe
File path batch.tcl
Value: batch.tcl
Function name
Value: spotweld-comparison
File path of spot file A
Value: "%base%"
File path of spot file B
Value: "%variant%"
XML file path
Value: "%bomfile%"
Report output path
Value: "%report%"
Note: The Spot file type is read from the configuration file.

Optional Arguments

No input needed
Value: Blank
No input needed
Value: Blank
Action type
Value: check/report/both
No input needed
Value: Blank
# of cores in current machine
Value: 2
File name / File name
Value: mvdLog.log
Any string value display in report
Value: “Name”
Any integer value display in report
Value: “1”
File name / File name
Value: mvdprogress.log


Example of a batch command.
"%hmbatch%" -nocommand -nouserprofiledialog -tcl "%tcl_file%" 
-mvd-feature spotweld-comparison -mvd-base "%base%" -mvd-variant "%variant%" 
-mvd-spotcompare-bom "%bom%" -mvd-report "%report%" -mvd-action both 
-mvd-report-scope both -mvd-bg -mvd-ncpu 1 -mvd-log mvdLog.log -mvd-progress mvdprogress.log

Batch Mode Error Codes

Error messages displayed when you use incorrect input argument.

SL Error Code Function and Message
1 1001 Import: Missing CAD file to XML converter
2 1002 Import: Failed to import CAD
3 1003 Import: Failed to export the FE part to the file
4 1004 Import: Problem obtaining HyperMesh version
5 1005 Import: Unable to find the result file
6 1006 Import: Unable to find the XML file
7 1007 Import: Failed to export the FE part to the file
8 1008 Import: Unable to find the result file in Import BG
9 1009 Import: Select only one module.
10 1010 Import: Invalid directory name specified
12 2001 Offset: Failed in license checkout for Offset
13 2002 Offset: Unknown action type in Offset
14 2003 Offset: Failed to export the FE part to the file in Offset
15 2004 Offset: No valid modules selected
17 3001 Comparison: Unable to find the result file in BG
18 3002 Comparison: No valid modules selected
19 3003 Comparison: Select two or more modules for reporting
20 3004 Comparison: No files in module selected. Please import the modules for comparison
21 3005 Comparison: Unable to compare two modules in parental relationship
22 3006 Comparison: Children found for Selected Module - Import cannot be done. For Compare Check - Select two or more modules
23 3007 Comparison Report: No template file specified in the configuration for excel
24 3008 Comparison Report: No template worksheet specified in the configuration for excel
25 3009 Comparison Report: Template file not found in Comparison for excel
26 3010 Comparison Report: Worksheet not found in the template for excel
27 3011 Comparison Report: Failed in license checkout
28 3012 Comparison Report: Record/Result file not found
29 3013 Comparison Report: No template row specified in the configuration
30 3014 Comparison Report: Invalid variant index
31 3015 Comparison Report: Problem obtaining HyperMesh version
32 3016 Comparison Report: No template file specified in the configuration for PPT
33 3017 Comparison Report: No layout specified in the configuration for PPT
34 3018 Comparison Report: Template file not found in PPT
36 4001 Intersection: Failed in license checkout
37 4002 Intersection: No valid modules selected in Intersection
38 4003 Intersection Report: No template file specified in the configuration for PPT
39 4004 Intersection Report: No layout specified in the configuration for PPT
40 4005 Intersection Report: Template file not found in PPT
42 5001 Spotweld: Failed in license checkout
43 5002 Spotweld: Unable to find connector files
44 5003 Spotweld: Unable to load FE model files
45 5004 Spotweld: Unable to import model, Check Configuration
46 5005 Spotweld: Unable to merge the hm file in HyperMesh
47 5006 Spotweld: Unable to load result file
48 5007 Spotweld: Unable to load model file
49 5008 Spotweld: Unexpected action type
50 5009 Spotweld: No connector files found in the input path
51 5009 Spotweld: No valid modules selected
52 5010 Spotweld Report: Error in sphere creation
53 5011 Spotweld Report: Result Model not saved successfully. Backup in output path
54 5012 Spotweld Report: No template file specified in the configuration for PPT
55 5013 Spotweld Report: No layout specified in the configuration for PPT
56 5014 Spotweld Report: Template file not found in PPT
58 6001 Connection: Failed in license checkout
59 6002 Connection: Unable to calculate the centroid from surfaces of component
60 6003 Connection: Unable to create lines between centroid and surfaces of component
61 6004 Connection: Unable to calculate the center line direction from surface edges of component
62 6005 Connection: Unable to find the appropriate line to determine the center line direction
63 6006 Connection: Unable to read the file in HyperMesh
64 6007 Connection: Unable to find the result file in BG
65 6008 Connection: Unable to load result file
66 6009 Connection: Unable to load model file
67 6010 Connection Unexpected action type
68 6010 Connection Report: Check Result does not exist
69 6011 Connection Report: No template file specified in the configuration for PPT
70 6012 Connection Report: No layout specified in the configuration for PPT
71 6013 Connection Report: Template file not found in PPT
73 7001 Freepart: Failed in license checkout
74 7002 Freepart: Unable to load FE model files
75 7003 Freepart: Unable to read the file in HyperMesh
76 7004 Freepart: No Model loaded
77 7005 Freepart: Unable to find the result file in BG
78 7006 Freepart: Unable to find connector files
79 7007 Freepart: Unexpected action type
80 7008 Freepart: Unable to load result file
81 7008 Freepart: Unable to load model file
82 7009 Freepart: No connector files found in the input path
83 7010 Freepart Report: No template file specified in the configuration for PPT
84 7011 Freepart Report: No layout specified in the configuration for PPT
85 7012 Freepart Report: Template file not found in PPT

Batch File Example

Example of a Model Verification batch file.


You must edit “ALTAIR_HOME”, “datapath” path in the following example.

set ALTAIR_HOME=C:\Program Files\Altair\2019
set dataPath=G:\BVT\2019\data
set hmbatch=%ALTAIR_HOME%\hm\bin\win64\hmbatch.exe
set tcl_file=%ALTAIR_HOME%\hm\scripts\MVD\mvdMain\src\main\batch.tcl
set base=%dataPath%\batch\iges
set variant=%dataPath%\batch\dyna
set output=%dataPath%\comparisonres.xml
set report=%dataPath%

cd /d g:
cd %dataPath%
IF not exist %report% (mkdir %report%)

"%hmbatch%" -nocommand -nouserprofiledialog -tcl "%tcl_file%" -mvd-feature comparison -mvd-base "%base%" -mvd-base-type iges -mvd-variant "%variant%" -mvd-variant-type dyna -mvd-output "%output%" -mvd-report "%report%" -mvd-action both -mvd-report-scope both -mvd-bg -mvd-ncpu 1 -mvd-log mvdLog.log -mvd-progress mvdprogress.log