Perform Model Checks

Perform various model checks in the Comparison Browser.


Offset is mainly used to offset surface to mid plane location and to convert the CAD files to .hm format.

Before you begin, it is expected that the BOM or CAD data contains thickness information in order to perform offset. If a thickness value does not exist, you can input a constant thickness for offset.
  1. In the Comparison browser, right-click and select Comparison/Verification > Offset from the context menu.
    The Offset dialog opens.
  2. Select an Import Type for Base Model.
    • Assembly (CAD assembly files: UG Assembly, CATProduct, JT Assembly…)
    • CAD (Refer Config / CAD section)
    • FE (Not Applicable)
    • Multiple Assembly (Multiple CAD assembly files)
    • Spot Files (Refer Config / FE / Connector section)
  3. Select a datatype.
    Respective data types will be listed.
  4. Click the folder icon and navigate to the model to import (Folder/File selections).

    Figure 1.
  5. In the Thickness[%] field, enter the thickness percentage used to offset/move the geometry.
  6. In the Thickness field, enter the constant component thickness in case thickness value does not exist in the CAD data or BOM file.
    Offset distance = 50%*Thickness
  7. Choose a method for running the model.
    • Choose Interactive to run the model in the same HyperMesh session.
    • Choose Background to launch a new HyperMesh session in batch mode.
  8. The Processes drop-down list becomes active when you select the Background option and it also depends on the processor.
    The Model Verification tool launches as many hmbatch processes selected.
    • Choose Check to execute only the comparison without the report generation.
    • Choose Report to generate only the Reports (Check executed previously).
    • Choose Both to perform the comparison report generation sequentially.
  9. Click Run to execute the function.
  10. Click Stop to stop all the operation.
    This will close front and background HyperMesh sessions. The browser is populated with offset data in .hm format. The remainder of the check will use these .hm files.


Comparison is used to compare two models using the Model Verification tool.

  1. In the Comparison browser, right-click and select Check from the context menu.
  2. Select Import Type for Base Model.
    • Assembly (CAD assembly files: UG Assembly, CATProduct, JT Assembly…)
    • CAD (Refer Config / CAD files)
    • FE (Solver deck file)
    • Multiple Assembly (Multiple CAD assembly files)
    • Spot Files (Not applicable)
  3. Select a datatype (Respective data types will be listed).
  4. Click the folder icon and navigate to the model to import (Folder/File selections).

    Figure 2.
  5. Select Import Type for Variant Model.
    • Assembly (CAD assembly files: UG Assembly, CATProduct, JT Assembly…)
    • CAD (Refer Config / CAD section)
    • FE (nastran, pam, radioss, abaqus, optistruct, hyperMesh)
    • Multiple Assembly (Multiple CAD assembly files)
    • Spot Files (Not applicable)
  6. Select a datatype.
    Respective data types will be listed.
  7. Click the folder icon and navigate to the model to import (Folder/File selections).
    Figure 3.
  8. In the Tolerance field, enter a value between 0.1 to 5mm to display unmatched entities.
  9. Enter the Threshold[%] value.
    Its min match percentage value, parts that are matching less than this value is treated as Mismatching and parts that are matching above this value will be treated as Matching parts.
    If the match percentage value is greater than the threshold value, then the two entities are shown in report as overlaid image.
  10. In the Report Path, field navigate to the directory where the reports generated by the Model Verification tool will be stored.
  11. In the Project Name field, enter a name for the project.
  12. In the Slide Number field, enter a starting number of the slides to use in the PowerPoint report.
  13. Select a method for running the model.
    • Choose Interactive to run the model in the same HyperMesh session.
    • Choose Background to launch a new HyperMesh session in batch mode.
  14. The Processes drop-down list becomes active when the user selects the Background option and it also depends on the processor.
    The Model Verification tool launches as many hmbatch processes selected.
    • Choose Check to execute only the comparison without the report generation.
    • Choose Report to generate only the Reports (Check executed previously).
    • Choose Both to perform the comparison report generation sequentially.
  15. Click Run to execute the function.
  16. Click Stop to stop all the operation.
    This will close front and background HyperMesh sessions.
  17. Click View Report to display the Summary PowerPoint report.

    Figure 4. PowerPoint Summary . (Stored in Report Path)

    The slide shows the comparison between a source assembly and the target assembly. The left half of the image shows the source assembly and the right half of the image shows the target assembly. In the example illustrated above, the source assembly has a total of 39 parts. The target assembly has a total of 38 parts. The matching parts (between the source and target assemblies) are highlighted in black and the unmatched parts are shown in red.

    The second slide shows the matched and unmatched results for individual parts, number of parts are limited to 40 which matches Excel report. This limitation can edited in configuration.

    Figure 5. Matched and Unmatched Results. (from 2nd slide of Summary PowerPoint Report)


Overview of the output generated from a Comparison check.


The contents of the Excel report depend on the number of parts/models that are being compared. The report consists of the details of matched and unmatched parts from the assemblies selected for comparison.

Figure 6.
The information in the Excel reports can be classified into different sections.
Base Model Input
Input information about each of the parts of the CAD model that the tool uses for performing the a comparison check. The Base Model Input is the first assembly shown in the Part Browser, and can be cross checked at row 5.
Variant Model Input
Results of the comparison check. The match percentage column shows a part vise match percentage. If the value of match percentage for a part is 0 or less than the threshold percentage, then the part is said to be unmatched with the corresponding part of the other assembly. If the match percentage is above the threshold value, then the parts are considered matching. The error is reported in the error column. Variant model’s Material name or Thickness values are compared against Base model, mismatch values are shown in red text. Variant Model Input increases depending on the number of Variant model found in the Variant Input folder. Variant model name can be cross checked at row 5.
Image Type
Shortcut to the image the part.
  • If the image type is JPG, then this shortcut opens the full sized image for viewing.
  • If the image type is H3D, then the shortcut opens in the part in H3D format in a new HyperMesh window.

Comparison with Browser Selection

Compare CAD vs. CAD models, FE vs. FE models, and CAD vs. FE models with a Comparison check.

In the Comparison browser, you can select two modules that are required to be compared from the Assembly browser. Use the Import Models function to import data into the browser, and then perform the comparison.

Figure 7. Import Data to Compare
  • During a Comparison check, the part files may get reloaded several times. Converting all models to the HyperMesh format can improve performance. It is recommended that you perform a No-Offset operation before starting the comparison process by selecting Config > Offset > <action>.
  • During a Comparison check, the part files may get reloaded several times. It is recommended that all models be in HyperMesh format to improve performance. Use the Offset operation before performing a comparison.
  • When generating reports, Excel or PowerPoint reports may open several times. It is recommended that you do not to launch or close any Microsoft Office application or use the keyboard during this operation.
  • Translation or Smetry comparison runs using 1 CPU. A single CPU is automatically utilized, even when you manually set multiple CPUs.
  • If more than one input model is found in the variant folder, a multiple model comparison is activated.
  • The folder structure is to be maintained when organizing variant model files. CAD files must be managed under variant folders, and you must select the variant root folder. If the variant root contains more than one sub folder (variants), a multiple model (variant) comparison is activated.

Troubleshoot Model Verification Comparison Check Problems

Approaches used to troubleshoot Model Verification comparison check problems.

Comparison check results depend on the following Model Verification settings:
  1. The type of CAD files and the corresponding license required to import the CAD files into Model Verification.
  2. The tolerance value specified in the GUI (Thickness/2.0).
  3. Filters specified, such as those in the following list:
    • Connection Name Filter
    • Area Filter
    • CG Filter
    • Match % Filter
  4. Availability of license when using the multiple CPU option. The unit requirement can be calculated using this formula: 40 + ((No. of CPUs * 21) - 21)

Find which filter parts that are excluded from during comparison.

  1. Turn on the debug log in the Configuration panel by selecting Tools > Configuration > Log.
  2. Select log > add.

    Figure 8.
  3. Restart HyperMesh.
  4. Run the check again.
  5. Check the Tk Console of the stdout files.

    Figure 9.
  6. Based on the information in the log file, identify the filters applied on the concern parts/PID.
    Example: 5 vs 109 comparison is ignored due to the centroid distance between these parts are more then value set in the config “cgtolerable-distance” value. In case these two parts need to be compared, increase the “cgtolerable-distance” from 200 to desired value.


Intersect checks provide information in Power Point reports on all the inter-part intersection/overlapping in the CAD parts.

Once the model is done with the Intersection check, the tool locates the point of intersection as a cross-hair and summarizes all the intersections found in the PowerPoint report.

  1. In the Comparison browser, right-click and select Check > Intersect from the context menu.
    The Intersection dialog opens.
  2. Select Import Type for Base Model.
    • Assembly (CAD assembly files: UG Assembly, CATProduct, JT Assembly…)
    • CAD (Refer Config / CAD files)
    • FE (nastran, pam, radioss, abaqus, optistruct, hyperMesh)
    • Multiple Assembly (Multiple CAD assembly files)
    • Spot Files (Not applicable)
  3. Select a datatype.
    Respective data types will be listed.
  4. Click the folder icon and navigate to the model to import (Folder/File selections).
    The folder or the selected location must contain the spot weld file. The spot weld file type must be set in the config file.

    Figure 10.
  5. In the Allowance field, enter a value between 0.1 to 5mm to display unmatched entities.
  6. In the Report Path field, navigate to the directory where the reports generated by the Model Verification tool will be stored.
  7. In the Project Name field, enter a name for the project.
  8. In the Slide Number field, enter a starting number of the slides to use in the PowerPoint report.
  9. Choose a method for running the model.
    • Choose Interactive to run the model in the same HyperMesh session.
    • Choose Background to launch a new HyperMesh session in batch mode.
  10. The Processes drop-down list becomes active when the user selects the Background option and it also depends on the processor.
    The Model Verification tool launches as many hmbatch processes selected.
    • Choose Check to execute only the comparison without the report generation.
    • Choose Report to generate only the Reports (Check executed previously).
    • Choose Both to perform the comparison report generation sequentially.
  11. Click Run to execute the function.
  12. Click Stop to stop all the operation.
    This will close front and background HyperMesh sessions.
  13. Click View Report to display the Summary PowerPoint report.

    Figure 11. PowerPoint Summary . (Stored in Report Path)

    Figure 12. PowerPoint Detailed Report . (Stored in Report Path)


Overview of the PowerPoint report generated from the Intersection check.

A PowerPoint report is separated into several sections.
Report Header
Project name, assembly name, and slide number.
Assembly Picture
Image of the components that have intersection issues.
H3D Image
Section can be viewed in the HyperView Player, and shows the CAD model with the intersection marked with Cross Hairs.
Issue Details
Details of components which have intersection issues.
User Review
Add additional information when exchanging information with designers/engineers.
Additional Info
Occurrences of the issue shown in the current slide. The number of instances show the number of occurrences of the issue.


Spot Weld checks identify problems with spot welds in the model and shows them in the report.

The identified problems in spot welds are highlighted using a cross-hair in the images.

  1. In the Comparison Browser, right-click and select Check > Spotweld from the context menu.
    The Spotweld dialog opens.
  2. Select Import Type for Base Model.
    • Assembly (CAD assembly files: UG Assembly, CATProduct, JT Assembly…)
    • CAD (Refer Config / CAD files)
    • FE (nastran, pam, radioss, abaqus, optistruct, hyperMesh)
    • Multiple Assembly (Multiple CAD assembly files)
    • Spot Files (Not applicable)
  3. Select a datatype.
    Respective data types will be listed.
  4. Click the folder icon and navigate to the model to import (Folder/File selections).
    The folder or the selected location must contain the spot weld file. The spot weld file type must be set in the config file.

    Figure 13.
  5. In the Angle field, enter a value between 15 to 30 degrees for feature recognition.
  6. In the Report Path field, navigate to the directory where the reports generated by the Model Verification tool will be stored.
  7. In the Project Name field, enter a name for the project.
  8. In the Slide Number field, enter a starting number of the slides to use in the PowerPoint report.
  9. Choose a method for running the model.
    • Choose Interactive to run the model in the same HyperMesh session.
    • Choose Background to launch a new HyperMesh session in batch mode.
  10. The Processes drop-down list becomes active when the user selects the Background option and it also depends on the processor.
    The Model Verification tool launches as many hmbatch processes selected.
    • Choose Check to execute only the comparison without the report generation.
    • Choose Report to generate only the Reports (Check executed previously).
    • Choose Both to perform the comparison report generation sequentially.
  11. Click Run to execute the function.
  12. Click Stop to stop all the operation.
    This will close front and background HyperMesh sessions.
  13. Click View Report to display the Summary PowerPoint report.

    Figure 14. PowerPoint Summary . (Stored in Report Path)

    Figure 15. PowerPoint Detailed Report. (Stored in Report Path)


Overview of the PowerPoint report generated from the Spot Weld check.

A PowerPoint report is separated into several sections.
Report Header
Project name, assembly name, and slide number.
Assembly Picture
Image of the components that have spot weld issues.
H3D Image
Section can be viewed in the HyperView Player, and shows an H3D image shows the FE model with the spot weld marked with Cross Hairs.
Issue Details
Details of components which have spot weld issues.
User Review Section
Used to add additional information when exchanging information with designers/engineers.
Additional Info
Occurrences of the issue shown in the current slide. The number of instances show the number of occurrences of the issue.

Supported Spotweld Checks

Overview of the spotweld checks available to perform in the model.

Detects the spot welds which are too close to each other. The closeness tolerance is used as the criteria for deciding if two spot welds are considered as too close.

Figure 16.
Detects the spot welds in which the distance between the spot weld location and the connected components lie outside the given maximum and minimum gap limits.

Figure 17.
Single Layer
Detects the spot welds which are connected to only one part. The second part is missing from the spot weld definition.

Figure 18.
Multiple Layers
Detects the spot welds which are connected to more parts than what is specified as the threshold number for multiple parts.

Figure 19.
HyperMesh Issues
Detects the spot welds that failed during realization.

Figure 20.
Non-Parallel Flanges
Detects the spot welds that are connecting the non-parallel flanges. Flanges are said to be non-parallel if there is a gap or step of the flanges diverge.

Figure 21.
Incorrect Location
The Model Verifications creates feature lines internally to check the distance between the connector and the feature line. When the distance between the connector and feature line is less that the specified tolerance, the location of the connector is said to be incorrect. The feature angle used to create feature lines is specified in the Feature Angle field.

Figure 22.
Few Connections
Detects the possible locations where the spot welds may be missing. This detection is done based on the adjacent spot welds in that area.

Figure 23.
Flange Gap
Detects if the gap between the flanges is within the minimum and maximum limit of the average of the component thicknesses being connected by the weld.

Figure 24.
Spotweld Intersection
Detects if a spot weld has an intersection with an unconnected component.

Figure 25.
Spotweld on Fillet
Detects if any spot weld is located on fillet features.

Figure 26.
Reflect Spotweld
Detects if any spot weld can be realized on reflecting its location about a plane defined by the user.

Figure 27.


Connection check detects problems with parts/components such as bolts, nuts, clips, plates and reports the problems in a PowerPoint file.

There are multiple checks that can be performed, depending on the selection, the tool perform the checks and results of the checks are written out to the report files.

  1. In the Comparison Browser, right-click and select Check > Connection from the context menu.
    The Connection dialog opens.
  2. Select Import Type for Base Model.
    • Assembly (CAD assembly files: UG Assembly, CATProduct, JT Assembly…)
    • CAD (Refer Config / CAD files)
    • FE (nastran, pam, radioss, abaqus, optistruct, hyperMesh)
    • Multiple Assembly (Multiple CAD assembly files)
    • Spot Files (Not applicable)
  3. Select a datatype.
    Respective data types will be listed.
  4. Click the folder icon and navigate to the model to import (Folder/File selections).
    The folder or the selected location must contain the spot weld file. The spot weld file type must be set in the config file.

    Figure 28.
  5. In the Report Path field, navigate to the directory where the reports generated by the Model Verification tool will be stored.
  6. In the Project Name field, enter a name for the project.
  7. In the Slide Number field, enter a starting number of the slides to use in the PowerPoint report.
  8. Choose a method for running the model.
    • Choose Interactive to run the model in the same HyperMesh session.
    • Choose Background to launch a new HyperMesh session in batch mode.
  9. The Processes drop-down list becomes active when the user selects the Background option and it also depends on the processor.
    The Model Verification tool launches as many hmbatch processes selected.
    • Choose Check to execute only the comparison without the report generation.
    • Choose Report to generate only the Reports (Check executed previously).
    • Choose Both to perform the comparison report generation sequentially.
  10. Click Run to execute the function.
  11. Click Stop to stop all the operation.
    This will close front and background HyperMesh sessions.
  12. Click View Report to display the Summary PowerPoint report.

    Figure 29. PowerPoint Summary . (Stored in Report Path)

    Figure 30. PowerPoint Detailed Report. (Stored in Report Path)


Overview of the PowerPoint report generated from the Connection check.

A PowerPoint report is separated into several sections.
Report Header
Project name, assembly name and slide number.
Full Assembly Picture
Image of the components that have connection issues.
H3D Image
Section can be viewed in the HyperView Player, and shows an H3D image shows the FE model with the connections marked with Cross Hairs.
Issue Details
Details of components which have connection issues.
User Review Section
Used to add additional information when exchanging information with designers/engineers.
Additional Info
Occurrences of the issue shown in the current slide. The number of instances show the number of occurrences of the issue.

Supported Connection Checks

Types of checks to perform on connections in the model.

Free Hole
Detects the holes in the model which do not have connectors around them.

Figure 31.
Free Bolt-Nut
Detects the bolts and nuts which do not have corresponding holes to fit in.

Figure 32.
Bolt Hole Mismatch
Detects the bolts which have a hole around it, but the distance between the bolt center and hole center is more than the threshold value.

Figure 33.
Nut Hole Mismatch
Detects the nuts which have a hole around it, but the distance between the nut center and the hole center is over the threshold.
Bolt-Nut Mismatch
Detects the bolt nut pairs whole location or alignment direction do not match properly.

Figure 34.
Bolt-Nut Size Mismatch
Detects the bolt nut pairs whose sizes are different from each other.
Note: The diameters of bolt, nut and clip are found through a CSV file.

Figure 35.
Holes Mismatch
Detects pairs of holes whose center axes do not match.

Figure 36.
Holes Pair Missing
Detects the holes that do not have a corresponding pairing hole within the specified tolerance.

Figure 37.
Clip Mismatch
Detects the clips which have a hole around it but the distance between the clip center and the hole center is over the threshold.


FreePart check detects the components in a model that are not connected to any other component through ID connectors or shared nodes.

  1. In the Comparison Browser, right-click and select Check > FreePart from the context menu.
    The Freepart dialog opens.
  2. Select Import Type for Base Model (Supported types are below).
    • Assembly (CAD assembly files: UG Assembly, CATProduct, JT Assembly…)
    • CAD (Refer Config / CAD files)
    • FE (nastran, pam, radioss, abaqus, optistruct, hyperMesh)
    • Multiple Assembly (Multiple CAD assembly files)
    • Spot Files (Not applicable)
  3. Select a datatype.
    Respective data types will be listed.
  4. Click the folder icon and navigate to the model to import (Folder/File selections).
    The folder or the selected location must contain the spot weld file. The spot weld file type must be set in the config file.

    Figure 38.
  5. In the Gap field, enter the gap to use between two components to check if they are connected or disconnected.
  6. In the Report Path field, navigate to the directory where the reports generated by the Model Verification tool will be stored.
  7. In the Project Name field, enter a name for the project.
  8. In the Slide Number field, enter a starting number of the slides to use in the PowerPoint report.
  9. Choose a method for running the model.
    • Choose Interactive to run the model in the same HyperMesh session.
    • Choose Background to launch a new HyperMesh session in batch mode.
  10. The Processes drop-down list becomes active when the user selects the Background option and it also depends on the processor.
    The Model Verification tool launches as many hmbatch processes selected.
    • Choose Check to execute only the comparison without the report generation.
    • Choose Report to generate only the Reports (Check executed previously).
    • Choose Both to perform the comparison report generation sequentially.
  11. Click Run to execute the function.
  12. Click Stop to stop all the operation.
    This will close front and background HyperMesh sessions.
  13. Click View Report to display the Summary PowerPoint report.

    Figure 39. PowerPoint Summary and Detailed Report. (Stored in Report Path)

    Figure 40. PowerPoint Detailed Report. (Stored in Report Path)


Overview of the PowerPoint report generated from the FreePart check.

A PowerPoint report is separated into several sections.
Report Header
Project name, assembly name, and slide number.
Assembly Picture
Image of the components that have free part issues.
H3D Image
Section can be viewed in the HyperView Player, and shows an H3D image shows the FE model with the free parts marked with Cross Hairs.
Free Part Details
Details of components which have free part issues.
User Review Section
Used to add additional information when exchanging information with designers/engineers.

Spot Comparison

Spot Comparison check compares two spot connector files using the Model Verification tool.

Supported Model Verification formats include:
  1. In the Comparison Browser, right-click Check > Spot Comparison from the context menu.
    The Spotcompare dialog opens.
  2. Select Import Type for Base Model.
    • Assembly (CAD assembly files: UG Assembly, CATProduct, JT Assembly…)
    • CAD (Refer Config / CAD files)
    • FE (nastran, pam, radioss, abaqus, optistruct, hyperMesh)
    • Spot Files (.vip, .mwf, .mcf, and .xml)
  3. Select a datatype.
    Respective data types will be listed.
  4. Click on the folder icon and navigate to the model to import (Folder/File selections).

    Figure 41.
  5. Select Import Type for Variant Model.
    • Assembly (CAD assembly files: UG Assembly, CATProduct, JT Assembly…)
    • CAD (Refer Config / CAD files)
    • FE (nastran, pam, radioss, abaqus, optistruct, hyperMesh)
    • Spot Files (.vip, .mwf, .mcf, and .xml)
  6. Select a datatype.
    Respective data types will be listed.
  7. Click on the folder icon and navigate to the model to import (Folder/File selections).
  8. In the Report Path, navigate to the directory where the reports generated by the Model Verification tool will be stored.
  9. In the Project Name field, enter a name for the project, if applicable.
  10. In the Slide Number field, enter a starting number of the slides to use in the PowerPoint report, if applicable.
  11. Choose a method for running the model.
    • Choose Interactive to run the model in the same HyperMesh session.
    • Choose Background to launch a new HyperMesh session in batch mode.
  12. The Processes drop-down list becomes active when the user selects the Background option and it also depends on the processor.
    The Model Verification tool launches as many hmbatch processes selected.
    • Choose Check to execute only the comparison without the report generation.
    • Choose Report to generate only the Reports (Check executed previously).
    • Choose Both to perform the comparison report generation sequentially.
  13. Click Run to execute the function.
  14. Click Stop to stop all the operation.
    This will close front and background HyperMesh sessions.
  15. Click View Report to display the Summary PowerPoint report.

    Figure 42. PowerPoint Summary Report. (Stored in Report Path)


CSV comparison tool compares CAD/FE attributes against CSV file column.

Supported attributes are Part name, PID, Part Number, Material Name, Thickness, File name. It has 3 options, “compare”, “compare-update” and create “new XML”.

  1. In the Comparison Browser, right-click on CSV Comparison from the context menu.
  2. Click on Compare.
    The File Selection window opens.
  3. CSV file must be selected.
    Check will proceed.

    It generates reports showing the updated information in Excel report same as comparison.

Multiple Checks

Multiple Checks perform multiple checks using single interface.

If Offset check is ON, CAD data will be offset using thickness value. Offset CAD data will be used to check all other checks. Check and Reports are sequentially executed for each check. Offset, Intersection, Spotweld, Connection, Free Part check uses Base Model selection alone and ignore Variant model selections. Comparison function uses both Base Model and Variant Model selections. Check items, input rules are as per individual checks explained in respective check functions.

  1. In the Comparison Browser, right-click on Check > Multiple_Checks from the context menu.
    The Model Verification dialog opens.
  2. Upload the base model using the Base Model options.
    1. Select an import type.
    2. Select a data type.
    3. Navigate to the model to import.
  3. Upload the variant model using the Variant Model(s) options.
    1. Select an import type.
    2. Select a data type.
    3. Navigate to the model to import.

    Figure 43.
  4. Select the type of checks to perform, and define additional settings as needed.
  5. In the Report Path, navigate to the directory where the reports generated by the Model Verification tool will be stored.
  6. In the Project Name field, enter a name for the project.
  7. In the Slide Number field, enter a starting number of the slides to use in the PowerPoint report.

    For example, if you enter a value of 1 for the slide number, then the slide numbers in the report starts from 0001.

  8. Choose a method for running the model.
    • Choose Interactive to run the model in the same HyperMesh session.
    • Choose Background to launch a new HyperMesh session in batch mode and perform the operation. The Background run mode is faster than the Interactive mode and also allows you to utilize multiple processors that are available on the machine to complete the operation faster. Each pair of models are divided and handled in multiple HyperMesh sessions depending on the number of processes selected.
  9. For Action, choose to an operation to perform.
    • Choose Check to only perform a check.
    • Choose Report to generate a PowerPoint report.
    • Choose Both to perform a check and generate a report.
  10. Click Run.