Final Edit Tools

Use the Final Edit tools repair surfaces, modify targets, and imprint surfaces after the midsurface has been extracted and you do not need to make further changes that require the midsurface to be re-extracted.

Surface Pair Subpanel

After you have created or attempted to create a midsurface, use the Surface Pair subpanel to create midsurfaces for failed parts by extracting a midsurface from two faces that represent the two sides.
Option Action
side 1: surfs selector Select a surface that represents one side of the solid.
side 2: surfs selector Select a surface that represents the second side of the solid.
extraction options Select extraction options accordingly to define which surfaces to take into account when constructing midsurface.
By default, only two surfaces that are selected with the side1 and side2 surf selectors are considered.
  • To take into account offset directions of the adjacent pre-existing midsurfaces, select the use adjacent midsurfaces checkbox.
  • To allow modifying pre-existing adjacent midsurfaces, select the combine with adjacent midsurfaces checkbox.
use adjacent midsurfaces Take any surfaces that are adjacent to the two surfaces selected, and extend, trim, or project the midsurface created to match the surrounding midsurfaces.
combine with adjacent midsurfaces Take any surfaces that surround the two surfaces selected, and extend, trim, or project the midsurface created to form continuous geometry with shared edges.

Figure 1. Original Model

Figure 2.
Note: Only available when use adjacent midsurfaces is enabled.
result in Middle Surface comp / result in current comp Choose where to store midsurface geometry after extraction.

Assign Target Subpanel

Use the Assign Target subpanel to repair or edit a midsurface by correcting its targets.
Option Action
target location Choose where target points are created.
as selected
Create a target at the same location as the pilot point selected.
mid point
Create a target in the middle of the point/edge to offset and the pilot point/edge.
combined target Identify all of the targets that are combined and displays them in purple.
show target planes Display the planes parallel to the offset surface drawn at target point.
Note: Only available when combined target is selected.
surf selector Select surfaces to edit/repair.

Surfaces can either be a midsurface that was created earlier, or a surface that is part of the solid. Only one surface can be selected at a time.

hold planarity Keep planarity of planar surfaces after offset, even if targets suggest a non-planar offset surface.
point/edge to offset Select a point/edge on the original surface (yellow), which is the beginning point of a target.

You can select an existing point or create a new point (new target).

Use the ⏵/⏴ arrows to toggle through the points/edges to offset. The display is refocused to the selected points/edges.

pilot point/edge Select a point/edge to serve as the end point of the target. The pilot point/edge can serve as a target itself, or can be a point/edge on the opposite side of the plate.
accept target Update the changes made to a green target and convert it to a red target. Accepted targets will reset the cyan midsurface. Click offset to redraw the new midsurface with updated targets.
point to point/edge to edge Specify whether to reassign targets using points or edges.
point to point
Select one point at a time.
edge to edge
Select the entire edge of a surface.
remove target Remove the selected target.
2nd click accept target Accept the updated target location once a point to offset and a pilot point are selected, and change a green target to a red target once a point to offset and pilot point are selected.
equiv tol Equivalence the edges of the adjacent midsurfaces using on the specified tolerance.

Imprint Subpanel

After extracting the midsurface, use the Imprint subpanel to imprint solid geometry pockets, fillets, and other feature boundaries on the midsurface.
Option Action
keep line endpoints Keep line end points.
line extends Choose a method for extending lines during imprinting.
by tangents
Extend lines/curves tangentially until they extend to the midsurface faces.

Figure 3.
by shortcut
Extend lines/curves by projecting the end points closest to the midsurface.

Figure 4.
no extensions
Project lines/curves normal to the midsurface without any extensions.

Figure 5.
lines/surfs to imprint Select lines or surfaces to imprint.
min gap size Specify a tolerance (minimum gap size) to merge the imprinted edges with the midsurface boundary.
auto detect (default)
Automatically detect a tolernace.
manual setup
Specify an exact tolerance.
skip edges close to junctions Ignore edges close to the junctions of the midsurface.
skip internal edges Ignore internal edges between two surface loops while imprinting.

Figure 6.
Note: Available when surfs imprint is set to smart imprint.
surfs imprint Choose which surface edges to imprint.
imprint all
Imprint all of the surface edges on the midsurface.
If the edges are close to the Midsurface T edges or boundary this option may produce bad element quality, in which case consider using smart imprint.

Figure 7.
smart imprint
Merge imprinted edges with the midsurface boundary to prevent tiny surfaces/elements from being created.
By default, a minimum gap size (tolerance) is automatically detected. If the imprinted edges are still to close to the junction, toggle min gap size to manual setup and specify an exact tolerance.
target surfaces Select target surfaces to imprint.
auto detect
Automatically detect and select surfaces.
manual setup
Manually select surfaces using the surfs selector.