Browsers supply a great deal of view-related functionality in HyperMesh by listing the parts of a model in a tabular and/or tree-based format, and providing controls inside the table that
allow you to alter the display of model parts.
Use the Accels (accelerations) panel to create and update concentrated accelerations by applying a load, representing
accelerations, nodes, components, sets, surfaces, points, or lines.
Use the Acoustic Cavity Mesh panel to create a fluid volume mesh for the open-air volumes of an enclosed compartment,
such as the passenger compartment of a vehicle. Structural components such as seats are modeled as separate acoustic
volumes. Once generated, this mesh can be used in noise/vibration testing.
Use the Assemblies panel to create and modify assemblies, which are collections of component and multibody collectors
or other assemblies. This method of grouping component and multibody collectors is useful because once an assembly
is created, it is possible to display components or multibodies by assembly, or to select entities by assembly rather
than by component.
Use the Autocleanup panel to perform automatic geometry cleanup and prepare your model for meshing based on the parameters
set in the Batchmesher criteria file.
Use the CFD Tetramesh panel to generate hybrid grids, containing hexa/penta/tetra elements in the boundary layer and
tetra elements in the core or fare field.
Use the Composites panel to assign and review the element material orientation of a mesh of shell and continuum shell
elements, or to review the fiber direction (ply angle) of individual composite layers.
Use the Constraints panel to place constraints or enforced displacements on a model. This is accomplished by assigning
a degree of freedom (DOF) constraint to the node.
Use the Delete panel to delete data from a model database, preview and delete empty collectors, and preview and delete
unused property collectors, material collectors, or curves. You can also delete an entire model database, if you wish
to start with a clean database.
Use the Dependency panel to find nodes that have their degrees of freedom removed by a constraint or MPC (multiple
point constraint) more than once. By identifying and correcting such dependencies prior to solving, solution errors
can be avoided.
Use the Detach panel to detach elements from the surrounding structure. You can detach elements from a portion of
your model so that it can be translated or moved, or you can offset the new nodes by a specified value. You can also
use this panel to detach and remove elements from your model.
Use the Discrete dvs panel to define a discrete design variable value table for use in size or shape optimization,
which maybe be referenced in the ddval = field on the Size, Gauge or Shape panels..
Use the Drag panel to create a surface and/or mesh by dragging a series of nodes or lines, or to create elements by
dragging selected elements. The selected entities are dragged along the specified vector creating a mesh, surface,
or elements along that vector.
Use the Dummy Positioning / Joint dof panel to rotate the dummy assemblies or specify the position of the H-Point
of a dummy assembly. The dummy database must be organized as a tree structure.
Use the Edge Edit panel to alter the connectivity status (topology) of adjacent surface edges, and stitch or split
surfaces, replace fillets with corners, and suppress or eliminate redundant edges.
Use the Edges panel to find the free edges in a group of shell elements, find "T" connections in a group of shell
elements (any edges connected to three or more elements), display duplicate nodes, and equivalence duplicate nodes.
Use the Element Cleanup panel to perform automatic cleanup of 2D elements based on the element quality criteria from
the Quality Index panel or a separate criteria file.
Use the Faces panel to find the free faces in a group of elements, and operates in the same manner as edges, but in
3D. It also allows you to find and delete duplicate nodes.
Use the Fatigue panel to write stress, strain, force, and moment results from finite element analysis to an external
file that can then be used to set up fatigue analysis.
Use the FE joints panel to create, review, or update joint elements. A joint element is a definition of a connection
between two rigid bodies. Joint elements store a property and orientation information.
Use the Flux panel to apply concentrated fluxes to your model. This is accomplished by applying a load, representing
fluxes, to element nodes. Fluxes are load config 6 and are displayed as a thick arrow labeled with the word "flux."
Use the Gauge panel to create design variables (DESVAR) and property relation (DVPREL1) cards for shell and composite
laminate components (PSHELL, PCOMP, and PCOMPG) selected for size optimization.
Use the Global panel to control global parameters that are accessed by several different panels. These parameters
remain constant until changed. It also controls which components or collectors are active. Any entities you create
are stored in the active collectors. Finally, you can use this panel to specify which template file you want to use.
(Template files must first be created.)
Use the Integrate panel to obtain the area under a curve. The area under the curve that has been integrated is shaded
and the total area, based on the calculation, is given.
Use the Interfaces panel to create and modify interfaces. Interfaces are mainly used to define contact interactions
between various parts of the model.
Legends display the range of values for the plot. Use the Legend Edit panel to change the number of colors in the
legend or the colors of the legend. You can also reverse the colors used in the legend.
Use the Legend (xy legend) panel to edit the legend associated with an xy plot, for example you can change the font
size or the location of the legend.
Use the Line Drag panel to create a two- or three-dimensional surface and/or mesh or elements by dragging nodes, lines,
or elements along another line.
Use the Load on Geom panel to map loads or boundary conditions from geometrical entities (loads on geometry) to the
associated FE mesh entities (loads on mesh).
Use the MBS joints panel to define kinematic joints between two local coordinate systems to connect two multibody
collectors. The HyperMesh entity created is an mbjoint.
Use the Mesh Edit panel to extend a mesh to meet another mesh and form a good connection between them, or to imprint
overlapping meshes so that they match one another.
Use the Midmesh Panel to automatically generate a mesh at the midplane location, directly from the input geometry
(components, elements, solids or surfaces), without first creating a midsurface.
Use the Midsurface panel to extract the midsurface representation of a solid part or to generate a finite element
shell representation of a solid geometry.
Use the Node Edit panel to associate nodes to a point, line, or surface/solid face; move nodes along a surface; place
a node at a point on a surface; remap a list of nodes to a line; or project nodes to an imaginary line passing through
two nodes.
Use the Normals panel to display and reverse the normals of elements or surfaces. The orientation of element normals
can also be adjusted. The normal of an element is determined by following the order of nodes of the element using
the right-hand rule.
Use the Ossmooth panel to extract and import the final design geometry from OptiStruct's topology, topography and shape optimization results into HyperMesh.
Use the Penetration panel to check for penetrations and/or intersections of elements. After running the check, you
can use additional tools to check the penetration depth and move nodes in order to fix the problem areas; both penetrations
and intersections can be fixed.
Use the Preserve Node panel to review free, temporary, and preserved nodes, convert free and temporary nodes into
preserved nodes, convert free and temporary nodes into preserved nodes, and remove preserved nodes.
Use the Pressures panel to create pressure loads on elements by applying a load, representing pressures, to a 1D or
2D element, or to the face of a solid element.
Use the Quick Edit panel to split surfaces and washers, change the category (shared, free, and so on) of edges, create
or delete surfaces and points, project points, and trim fillets.
Use the Smooth panel to improve element quality in a surface-based mesh or a mesh of solid elements using one or more
algorithms that adjust node positions to moderate sharp variations in size or quality in adjacent elements.
Use the Spherical Clipping panel to focus on specific areas of the model by displaying only the portions of a model
inside a three-dimensional spherical volume, while masking everything outside the sphere.
Use the Spin panel to create a surface and/or mesh or elements by spinning a series of nodes, a line or lines, or
a group of elements about a vector to create a circular structure.
Use the Spline panel to create a shell mesh and/or surface. A mesh and surface can be created using nodes, points,
or lines. You can also use the Spline panel to create a mesh without a surface, or a surface without a mesh.
Use the Split panel to split plates or solid elements. In addition, hexa elements can also be split using a technique
that moves progressively through a row of elements in the model.
Use the Surface Edit panel to perform a variety of surface editing, trimming, and creation functions. This panel also
allows you to offset surfaces in their normal direction.
Use the Systems panel to create rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems. Use this function when
you want to define nodes, loads and constraints in a different coordinate system.
Use the Tags panel to assign names to nodes, elements, lines, surfaces, points, and solids. An entity name is then
used to reference the entity across multiple versions of the same model.
Perform automatic checks on CAD models, and identify potential issues with geometry that may slow down the meshing
process using the Verification and Comparison tools.
Use the Cones panel to create an analytic, conical or cylindrical surface and/or
Location: 2D page
The normal axis is the vector created by the bottom center node to the
normal vector node. The major axis is the vector created by the bottom center node
to the major vector node. The normal vector, bottom center, and major vector should
form a 90 degree angle. If they do not, the major axis is calculated at 90 degrees
using the normal axis. When you create a cone, the top radius may be equal to 0, if
you want to have the cone end at a point. The radius must always have a value
greater than zero. If a ratio other than one is specified in full cone, it is
applied to the vector perpendicular to the normal axis. You can use the
user-controlled method to specify the vector to which the ratio will be applied. For
partial cones, zero degrees starts on the major axis. The ratio is applied to the
vector perpendicular to the major axis and normal axis.
Full Cone Subpanel
Use the Full Cone subpanael to create a full conical or cylindrical surface and/or
bottom center
Select the node that represents the bottom center of
the cone.
normal vector
Select the node that represents the normal vector of
the cone.
Choose the type of cone.
meshing option
mesh, keep surf
Create a surface from the selected entities and generate a mesh on the
created surface.
The created surface is retained along with the mesh.
mesh, dele surf
Create a surface from the selected entities and generate a mesh on the
created surface.
The created surface is deleted and only the corresponding mesh is
mesh w/o surf
Create a mesh between the selected entities using linear interpolation
without creating a surface.
surface only
Create a surface from selected entities, but do not generate a
Use the resulting surface to perform any desired geometry cleanup
functions or automeshing.
Radius of the cone at its base.
top radius
Radius of the cone at its tip. Enter 0 for a pointed
cone, or a non-zero value for a cone with a flat top.
Determine how circular the base of the cone/cylinder
is. Enter a value of 1 for a perfectly circular base, or enter a smaller decimal
values to create an increasingly oblong base/cross-section.
Height of the cone or cylinder.
User Controlled Subpanel
Use the User Controlled subpanel to create 3D partial cone surface primitives.
bottom center
Select the node that represents the bottom center of
the cone.
normal vector
Select the node that represents the normal vector of
the cone.
major vector
Vector between the bottom center node and the major vector
node determines the zero-degree point of an arc defining the
curved surface of the partial cone. This arc extends in a
direction based on the normal vector using the right-hand rule,
with its start angle and end angle specified relative to this
Choose the type of cone.
meshing option
mesh, keep surf
Create a surface from the selected entities and generate a mesh on the
created surface.
The created surface is retained along with the mesh.
mesh, dele surf
Create a surface from the selected entities and generate a mesh on the
created surface.
The created surface is deleted and only the corresponding mesh is
mesh w/o surf
Create a mesh between the selected entities using linear interpolation
without creating a surface.
surface only
Create a surface from selected entities, but do not generate a
Use the resulting surface to perform any desired geometry cleanup
functions or automeshing.
Radius of the cone at its base.
top radius
Radius of the cone at its tip. Enter 0 for a pointed
cone, or a non-zero value for a cone with a flat top.
Determine how circular the base of the cone/cylinder
is. Enter a value of 1 for a perfectly circular base, or enter a smaller decimal
values to create an increasingly oblong base/cross-section.
Height of the cone or cylinder.
start angle
Specify the start angle for the cut an incomplete cone or
cylinder (that is, a cone/cylinder with a section cut out). No
surface will be created between the start and end angles.
end angle
Specify the end angle for the cut of an incomplete cone or
cylinder (that is, a cone/cylinder with a section cut out). No
surface will be created between the start and end
Command Buttons
Create and/or mesh a new cone or cylinder based on your