Topography Panel

Use the Topography panel to define design domains for topography optimization.

Location: Analysis page > Optimization panel
Note: Only available in the OptiStruct solver interface.

Create Subpanel

Option Action
desvar Specify a name for the design variable.
props Select one or more properties of the selected type.

Update Subpanel

Option Action
desvar Specify a name for the design variable.
props Select one or more properties of the selected type.

Bead Params Subpanel

Option Action
desvar Specify a name for the design variable.
minimum width Specify the width of the bead at its apex.
draw angle Specify the angle of the bead's sloped sides.
draw height Specify the height of the bead compared to its parent surface.
buffer zone A draw angle exists between unperturbed nodes in the non-design region and nodes in the design region.
Clear this checkbox to allow an unperturbed node in the non-design region to be directly adjacent to a node in the design region which is at full bead height.
Note: This can lead to mesh quality problems.
draw direction Specify a draw direction by clicking the toggle and specifying a direction or a vector normal to a plane.

By default, the draw direction is normal to elements.

boundary skip Select a method for determining which nodes OptiStruct will leave out of the design domain in order to prevent perturbation of nodes where loads or constraints are applied.
Include all nodes attached to elements whose PIDs are specified in the shape variables.
Omit nodes that have SPC or SPC1 declarations from the design domain.
Omit nodes that have FORCE, FORCE1, MOMENT, MOMENT1, or SPCD declarations from the design domain.
load and spc
Omit nodes with either spc or load declarations from the design domain.
Note: Only valid if TYPE is PSHELL or PCOMP.

Pattern Grouping Subpanel

Option Action
desvar Specify a name for the design variable.
pattern type Select a pattern type.

Bounds Subpanel

Option Action
desvar Specify a name for the design variable.
upper bound The upper limit for bead growth will be the Upper Bound value times the bead height.
lower bound The lower limit for bead growth will be the Lower Bound value times the bead height.
default initial beadfraction Specify the initial position of the bead.

Pattern Repetition Subpanel

Option Action
desvar Specify a name for the design variable
master / slave / none Choose whether you are establishing a master coordinate system, a slave design variable, or neither.
system /coordinates Choose to manually enter the values for the coordinate system, or to graphically select the system.
global system / local system Reference coordinate system.
anchor Select the anchor node.

Command Buttons

Button Action
create Create the design variable.
reject Revert the most recent changes.
review Review the load in the graphic area.
update Update the load with the most recent changes.
return Exit the panel.