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Finite Difference Panels

Use the Finite Difference panel to access the finite difference panels.

Location: Access the Finite Difference panel by adding the FD blocks panel to the panel area from the build menu.

FD Blocks Subpanel

Use the FD Blocks subpanel to create or modify finite difference blocks. The finite difference block is an entity in HyperMesh, composed of a user-specified number of cells, that provides an efficient way to store the elements that are used for finite difference work. It can be created around a finite element model and is used to model fluid flow, and so on.

The size of the newly created block is defined to be ten percent larger than the existing finite element model. If no model exists, the size of the block is ten percent greater than the default values in the i, j, and k directions (-10.0 and 110.0 in each direction). The size of the block can be modified using the update function.

If the block outline does not appear, make sure that the block outline menu item is selected in the FD control panel.

FD Nodes Subpanel

Use the FD Nodes subpanel to create and modify a structured grid in a finite difference block. Use this function to specify the number of cells you want in each direction (i, j, k) of your FD block. The number of nodes you specify determines how fine or course the elements are in your FD block grid, and can be changed to the necessary resolution. You can also remove all the nodes in a given direction.

After you create nodes in each direction, you can remove the nodes from the screen by using the remove index function.
Note: The display of the grid lines and block outline is controlled by the FD control panel. If the i, j, and/or k lines or the block outline are not visible, make sure that the i lines, j lines, and/or k lines, and the block outline check boxes are all selected on this panel.

FD Walls Subpanel

Use the FD Walls subpanel to create and modify walls in a finite difference block. A wall represents a type of material created where your finite element structure intersects with the FD block grid. HyperMesh puts each one of the cells of your component that intersect with the finite element mesh into the wall. Walls are like components and can be created, displayed, updated, and deleted.

The cells in the wall can be intersected, edited, and edited by range. The edit by range subpanel is used when editing by range.

FD Hidden Line Subpanel

Use the FD Hidden Line subpanel to create hidden line plots of the displayed FD block and finite element structures.

FD Control Subpanel

Use the FD Control subpanel to set the block outline and the i, j, and/or k lines on or off. You can also view cross sections, plane by plane, of your model.