Tractive Force Steer and Windup

Branch ID: 250 Request Number: 50000250

Table 1.
Component Unit Comment
1 (X): Left Tractive Force Steer deg/g The left wheel change in steer angle induced by vehicle acceleration. See acceleration lift/squat above for calculation of intermediate terms.
Orientation A:
Live Axles
tfs = rtod*weight*(C(6,3)*aczleft+C(6,9)*aczright+ acx*(C(6,1)-slr*C(6,5))+acx*(C(6,7)-slr*C(6,11)))
Fixed Differentials
tfs = rtod*weight*(C(6,3)*aczleft+C(6,9)*aczright+acx*C(6,1)+acx*C(6,7))
Orientation B:
Live Axles
tfs = rtod*weight*(C(6,3)*aczleft+C(6,9)*aczright+ acx*(-C(6,1)+slr*C(6,5))+
Fixed Differentials
tfs = rtod*weight*(C(6,3)*aczleft+C(6,9)*aczright-acx*C(6,1)-acx*C(6,7))
2 (Y): Right Tractive Force Steer deg/g The right wheel change in steer angle induced by vehicle acceleration. See acceleration lift/squat above for calculation of intermediate terms.
Orientation A:
Live Axles
tfs = rtod*weight*(C(12,3)*aczleft+C(12,9)*aczright+
acx*(C(12,1)- slr*C(12,5))+acx*(C(12,7)-slr*C(12,11)))
Fixed Differentials
tfs = rtod*weight*(C(12,3)*aczleft+C(12,9)*aczright+acx*C(12,1)+acx*C(12,7))
Orientation B:
Live Axles
tfs = rtod*weight*(C(12,3)*aczleft+C(12,9)*aczright+ acx*(-C(12,1)+slr*C(12,5))+
Fixed Differentials
tfs = rtod*weight*(C(12,3)*aczleft+C(12,9)*aczright-acx*C(12,1)-acx*C(12,7))
3 (Z): Average Tractive Force Steer deg/g The mean of components 1 and 2.
4 (RX): Left Tractive Force Windup deg/g The left wheel change in caster angle induced by vehicle acceleration. See acceleration lift/squat above for calculation of intermediate terms.
Orientation A:
Live Axles
tfs = rtod*weight*(C(5,3)*aczleft+C(5,9)*aczright+ acx*(C(5,1)-slr*C(5,5))+
Fixed Differentials
tfs = rtod*weight*(C(5,3)*aczleft+C(5,9)*aczright+acx*C(5,1)+acx*C(5,7))
Orientation B:
Live Axles
tfs = rtod*weight*(-C(5,3)*aczleft-C(5,9)*aczright+ acx*(C(5,1)-slr*C(5,5))+
Fixed Differentials
tfs = rtod*weight*(-C(5,3)*aczleft-C(5,9)*aczright+acx*C(5,1)+acx*C(5,7))
5 (RY): Right Tractive Force Windup deg/g The right wheel change in caster angle induced by vehicle acceleration. See acceleration lift/squat above for calculation of intermediate terms.
Orientation A:
Live Axles
tfs = rtod*weight*(C(11,3)*aczleft+C(11,9)*aczright+
Fixed Differentials
tfs = rtod*weight*(C(11,3)*aczleft+C(11,9)*aczright+acx*C(11,1)+acx*C(11,7))
Orientation B:
Live Axles
tfs = rtod*weight*(-C(11,3)*aczleft-C(11,9)*aczright+
Fixed Differentials
tfs = rtod*weight*(-C(11,3)*aczleft-C(11,9)*aczright+acx*C(11,1)+acx*C(11,7))
6 (RZ): Average Tractive Force Windup deg/g The mean of components 4 and 5.