Spindle Length and Offset

Branch ID: 270 Request Number: 50000270

Table 1.
Component Unit Comment
1 (X): Left Spindle Length mm The true left spindle length or the distance between the left wheel center and the point on the spindle which is closest to the kingpin axis.
2 (Y): Right Spindle Length mm The true right spindle length or the distance between the right wheel center and the point on the spindle which is closest to the kingpin axis.
3 (Z): Average Spindle Length mm The mean of components 1 and 2.
4 (RX): Left Spindle Offset mm The true left spindle offset or the minimum distance between the left spindle axis and the left kingpin axis.
5 (RY): Right Spindle Offset mm The true right spindle offset or the minimum distance between the right spindle axis and the right kingpin axis.
6 (RZ): Average Spindle Offset mm The mean of components 4 and 5.