Apply Thickness to Midsurface

Use the Map Thickness tool to apply thickness values to shell elements on midsurfaced geometry.

The thickness will be assigned on the midmesh either on node card, element card, nodal thickness on element card or also as properties on elements depending on the solver interface you are using.

Restriction: Only available in the OptiStruct, Radioss, Abaqus, LS-DYNA, PAM-CRASH 2G, or Nastran solver interfaces.
  1. From the Elements ribbon, Edit tools, click the Map Thickness tool.

    Figure 1.
  2. Optional: On the guide bar, click to define map thickness options.
  3. Click Source on the guide bar, choose a source type, then select source entities.
  4. Click Target on the guide bar, choose a target type, then select target entities.
  5. On the guide bar, click Apply Thickness.

Figure 2.
Tip: On the guide bar, click to open the Advanced Selection dialog, from which you can filter geometry further by selecting a subset of entities based on additional selection methods, such as By Component or By Assembly.

Map Thickness Options

Thickness output
Defines the location where the thicknesses are assigned
Card image
The type of property to create for the thickness values.
Sets the prefix for generating property names.
Minimum thickness
Assign a minimum thickness to the mesh.
Maximum thickness
Assign a maximum thickness to the mesh.
The minimum/maximum thickness that can be assigned to the mesh.
Correction method
Interpolate or adjust locations where the thickness cannot be computed correctly.
Assign offset to elements/section
Apply an offset value to elements if they are not in the middle of the selected geometry.
Offset precision
Automatically round assigned offset values, or manually define the range of values that can be rounded into one offset segment.
Change the number of significant figures for the assigned offset value.
Maximum thickness range interval
Control the number of thickness groups or properties, such that none will have a thickness interval range greater than the specified value.
Absolute groups thicknesses using the given interval. Relative calculates the absolute thickness interval by multiplying the given interval with the average thickness of the group.
The interval thickness used for grouping.
Fixed interval
Control thickness properties at constant intervals.
Start thickness
The start thickness used for grouping.
Thickness precision
Automatically round assigned thicknesses, or manually define the range that can be rounded into one thickness assignment.
The number of significant figures for the assigned thickness.
Scaling at corners
Apply a scaling algorithm when interpolating thicknesses near t-junctions or corners, in the range of [0, 10].
Assign thickness to mesh outside solid
Assign thickness to mesh outside of the solid geometry.

Keyboard Shortcuts & Mouse Controls

To do this Press
Append selection Ctrl + Left Mouse Click
Deselect entities Shift + Left Mouse Click
Toggle between source and target Tab
Exit tool Esc