Edit 2D Surface Mesh Elements

Use the Edit Elements tool to edit 2D elements by smothing, moving, splitting, collapsing, replacing, creating, and adjusting the edge density of elements.

Smooth Elements

Use the Smooth tool to optimize the quality of selected elements.

A node of a shell element is free, and therefore can be moved, if none of the following statements are true:
  • It is used by an element that was not selected.
  • It is selected as an anchor node.
  • It is attached to an edge, vertex, or meshing fixed point of a surface.
  • It is used by a 1D element (whether or not that element is selected).
  • It is not attached to a surface, but is on a feature line of the mesh of the selected plate or shell elements.
  1. From the Elements ribbon, Edit tools, click Edit Elements > Smooth.

    Figure 1.
    Elements are colored according to how well they adhere to the pre-set quality requirements defined in the criteria file.
  2. Optional: Find all elements at or below a certain quality level.
    1. Click Find on the guide bar.
    2. Increase or decrease the number of layers around patches of failed elements by clicking or on the guide bar.
    3. Review the next or previous patch of failed elements by clicking or on the guide bar.
  3. Optional: Select anchor nodes.
    • Hold Ctrl while left-clicking.
    • Click Anchors on the guide bar then left-click to make your selection.
  4. Select the element(s) to smooth.
  5. In the microdialog, select a smoothing method then click Smooth.
    Calculates the lengths of all of the elements’ edges to finds the extreme values. If the ratio of smallest to largest is below a certain threshold, than the Fix Shape method will be used. If the ratio of smallest to largest is above a certain threshold, than the Fix Size method will be used.
    Fix Size
    Moderates variations in element edge size through the mesh using a modified Laplacian over-relaxation that correctly handles a mixture of quad and tria elements.
    Fix Shape
    Moderates variations in element aspect ratio through the mesh using a modified isoparametric-centroidal over-relaxation that correctly handles a mixtures of quad and tria elements.
    Q.I. Warm, Q.I. Good, Q.I. Ideal
    Sets the quality of the optimization target to the corresponding value on the quality index.

Figure 2.

Move Elements

Use the Move tool to move nodes, drag tria elements, modify holes and washers, and automatically optimize nodes and elements.

  1. From the Model ribbon, Mesh tools, click Edit Elements > Move.

    Figure 3.
    Elements are colored according to how well they adhere to the pre-set quality requirements defined in the criteria file.
  2. Optional: On the guide bar, click to to define the options used to edit elements.
  3. Optional: Find all elements at or below a certain quality level.
    1. Click Find on the guide bar.
    2. Increase or decrease the number of layers around patches of failed elements by clicking or on the guide bar.
    3. Review the next or previous patch of failed elements by clicking or on the guide bar.
  4. Edit elements.
    • Place nodes by clicking-and-dragging nodes to a new location. The quality of the elements that depend on the node being moved dynamically adjust as you drag.
    • Move tria elements by clicking-and-dragging trias to a new location in the model, or out of the model completely.
    • Modify the radius of holes and washers by clicking-and-dragging nodes to a new location.
    • Optimize nodes/elements by double-clicking. Nodes and elements are automatically moved to optimize the overall quality of surrounding elements.

Figure 4.

Split, Swap, Combine Elements

Use the Split tool to split quad elements and edges, combine tria elements, and swap element edges.

  1. From the Model ribbon, Mesh tools, click Edit Elements > Split.

    Figure 5.
    Elements are colored according to how well they adhere to the pre-set quality requirements defined in the criteria file.
  2. Optional: On the guide bar, click to to define the options used to edit elements.
  3. Optional: Find all elements at or below a certain quality level.
    1. Click Find on the guide bar.
    2. Increase or decrease the number of layers around patches of failed elements by clicking or on the guide bar.
    3. Review the next or previous patch of failed elements by clicking or on the guide bar.
  4. Edit elements.
    • Split an element or element edge by left-clicking, or draw a split line by clicking-and-dragging.
    • Swap an element edge by holding Ctrl while left-clicking on an element or edge. Additional clicks will cycle through the possible edge positions.
    • Combine two tria elements by holding Shift while left-clicking on their shared edge.

Figure 6.

Replace Nodes

Use the Replace tool to relocate and replace the positions of nodes.

  1. From the Elements ribbon, Edit tools, click Edit Elements > Replace.

    Figure 7.
    Elements are colored according to how well they adhere to the pre-set quality requirements defined in the criteria file.
  2. Optional: Find all elements at or below a certain quality level.
    1. Click Find on the guide bar.
    2. Increase or decrease the number of layers around patches of failed elements by clicking or on the guide bar.
    3. Review the next or previous patch of failed elements by clicking or on the guide bar.
  3. Select a replacement method from the guide bar then select nodes.
    Method Node Replacement Steps
    One to One
    1. Select a node to relocate and replace.
    2. Select a target node.

      The second node replaces the first.

    Multi to One
    1. Select multiple nodes.
    2. From the selected nodes, left-click on a single target node.

      All other nodes are relocated to and replaced by this node.

    Multi to Multi
    1. Select a node to relocate and replace.
    2. Select a target node.
    3. Repeat this process as many times as desired.
    4. Left-click on a target node or click Replace on the guide bar to replace all nodes at once.

Figure 8.

Edit Edge Density and Element Size

Use the Density tool to edit element density and size along surface edges.

The local edge element size approximation is based on edge density value and length. Hence, it can vary slightly for two edges with the same density value.
  1. From the Elements ribbon, Edit tools, click Edit Elements > Density.

    Figure 9.
  2. Optional: On the guide bar, click to define surface mesh options.
  3. Left-click to select the edge(s) to modify.
  4. In the microdialog, click the icon to switch the value being defined to either element density or element size.
  5. Edit element density or size.
    • Increase individual edge values by holding Ctrl while left-clicking on an edge; decrease individual edge values by holding Ctrl while right-clicking on an edge.
    • Scroll edge values by holding Ctrl while scrolling the mouse wheel up and down. Hovering directly over an edge will only modify that edge; hovering over empty space will modify all selected edges.
    • Specify an edge value in the microdialog and press Enter. If multiple edges are selected, a common value will be applied. If multiple edges with different edge values are selected, use the arrows in the microdialog to modify individual edge values simultaneously, without applying a common value.
  6. On the guide bar, click Update

Figure 10.
Tip: Clear your selection by left-clicking in empty space.

Create and Delete Elements

Use the Create tool to create new 1D, 2D tria, or 2D quad elements, and delete elements.

  1. From the Model ribbon, Mesh tools, click Edit Elements > Create.

    Figure 11.
    Elements are colored according to how well they adhere to the pre-set quality requirements defined in the criteria file.
  2. Optional: On the guide bar, click to to define the options used to edit elements.
  3. Optional: Find all elements at or below a certain quality level.
    1. Click Find on the guide bar.
    2. Increase or decrease the number of layers around patches of failed elements by clicking or on the guide bar.
    3. Review the next or previous patch of failed elements by clicking or on the guide bar.
  4. Create or delete elements
    • Select nodes to create 1D, 2D tria, or 3D elements.
    • Select the element(s) to delete, then left-click to delete element(s).

Figure 12.

Edit Elements Options


Drag node
Select a direction to move nodes.
Along surface
Move nodes along the plane or curvature of a surface.
Normal to surface
Move nodes directly away from a surface in a normal direction.
Optimize node
Select a direction to automatically move selected nodes and optimize the overall quality of its surrounded elements.
Along surface
Move nodes along the plane or curvature of a surface.
Normal to surface
Move nodes directly away from a surface in a normal direction.
Stop at boundary
Stop nodes from moving past the edges of a mesh boundary
Move mininodes automatically
Move the mininodes associated with the nodes being moved.
Allow merging trias
When dragging tria elements, enable two trias to be merged into one quad element.
Modify hole direction
Select a direction to move the nodes around the edges of a hole.
Modifies the radius of a hole while keeping element orientation consistent.
Modifies the nodes around the edges of a hole without changing its diameter or spacing between nodes.
Rotates the nodes along the circumference of a slot without altering a hole's size, shape, or orientation.
Move washers automatically
Automatically move, scale, change the radial or angular position of washer nodes, along with the hole being modified.
Retain washer width
Modify the radius of the hole and washer simultaneously.
Remesh layers around hole
Automatically remesh layers around a hole after modifying it.
Number of layers
Change the number of layers to remesh around a hole.


Force edge swap
Force edges to swap even if an edge swap will not improve element quality.


Replace at midpoint
Combine nodes at the midpoint of their original locations.

Affected elements may be destroyed or changed.


Element organization
Select the component in which elements are placed.

Keyboard Shortcuts & Mouse Controls


To do this Press
Switch active tool Ctrl + Tab
Exit tool Esc

Smooth Tool

To do this Press
Select anchor nodes Ctrl + Left Mouse Click

Move Tool

To do this Press
Move node/element Left Mouse Drag
Optimize node/element Double Click

Split tool

To do this Press
Split element/edge Left Mouse Click
Split element with line Left Mouse Drag
Swap element edge Ctrl + Left Mouse Click
Combine tria elements Shift + Left Mouse Click

Collapse Tool

To do this Press
Collapse element edge Left Mouse Click

Replace Tool

To do this Press
Select nodes Left Mouse Click
Deselect nodes Shift + Left Mouse Click