11.0.101 API Programmer's Guide

New Commands

Modified Commands

  • Data names
    • tags – Added new dataname description.
  • General/Core
    • *createmark/*appendmark/hm_createmark/hm_appendmark – Have been updated with the following new selection methods:
      • "by box"
      • "by cylinder"
      • "by sphere"
    • *findmark – The attached option has now been fixed to work as documented. Previously, it was always behaving as if the option was set as 0.
    • hm_getcrossreferencedentities/hm_getcrossreferencedentitiesmark/hm_getreferencedentities/hm_getreferencedentitiesmark – Have been updated to support all optimization entities.
    • hm_getentityarray/hm_getmarkarray – Have been updated to support the following optimization entity arrays:
      • ddvals: rangeindex, values
      • dequations: string
      • designvars: componentlist, laminatelist, propertylist
      • desvarlink: coeff
      • dobjrefs: loadsteplist
      • dvprels: coeff, desvarlist, tableentrylist
      • opticonstraints: loadsteplist
      • opticontrols: nastran_int_controls, nastran_real_controls, nastran_toggles
      • optiresponses: attribute1_list, coordinatetypelist, desvarlist, elemlist, functiondesvarlist, functiondvprellist, functionloadsteplist, functionnodelist, functionresponselist, functiontableentrylist, loadsteplist, loadstepweightlist, materiallist, nodelist, modes, plylist, propertylist, weights
    • hm_getentityvalue/hm_getmarkvalue – Have been updated to support all optimization entities.
    • hm_getoption – Added new options tagdisplay and tagtextdisplaymode.
    • hm_entityinfo – Added new options configtype, configtypeid and configtypeids.
    • hm_info – Added new options functionlock and -appinfo PATCH_NUMBER.
  • Geometry
  • Graphics
    • hm_getloadoption – Added new option equationhandle.
    • hm_getvectoroption – Added new option vectorhandle.
  • Template Commands
    • *sortelements() – Can now sort using bypropertyid and bycomponentid in addition to bymaterialid.

Deprecated Commands

Removed Commands

  • General/Core
    • hm_getincludelist
  • Manufacturing
    • *hf_ActiveOriginalLine