
Contains information about an individual component in the topology of mesh areas defined by the HM_Topology structure.


struct HM_Component {
int size;
int error_status;
HM_EntityTopology mapped_hm_topo;
const char *component_name:
int num_faces;
int* faces;
int local_batchparamset_num;


HyperMesh Ext API


Contains information about an individual component in the topology of mesh areas defined by the HM_Topology structure.

The structure information is declared in hm_extapi.h.

The members are: size, error_status, mapped_hm_topo, component_name, num_faces, faces, and local_batchparamset_num


Specifies the length, in bytes, of the structure. Use sizeof(HM_Component) for this member. This is used to distinguish the current version of HM_Component from possible future extended versions with additional members.
Used by API functions to return an error status. A value of zero indicates successful completion of a function using this structure.
Some API functions will use this member to return a handle to a component entity corresponding to the component specified by the HM_Component structure. On input, set to zero. The function HM_ExtAPI::GenerateMesh() does not use this member to return any values.
The name of the component (null-terminated string).
The total number of topology faces included in the component.
Pointer to an array of references to the faces included in the component. The number of values in the array must not be smaller than the value specified by num_faces.
Each number in the array represents a zero-based index in the array of HM_Face structures pointed by the faces member of the HM_Topology structure that contains this HM_Component structure in its components array.
local_batchparamset_num (optional)
Reference to an individual batch mesh parameter/criteria file set for meshing of the face in the batch mesh mode.
Assign it as a positive number to specify a local batch mesh parameter set using the number of the set in the HM_GenerateMeshParamStruct local_batchparamsets array (zero-based index of the set in the array local_batchparamsets incremented by 1).
Assign it as -1 or 0 to batch mesh the component with the global parameter and criteria files from HM_GenerateMeshParamStruct.



Version History
