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What's New
View new features for Altair HyperView 2019 .
Get Started
Learn the basics and discover the workspace.
Discover Altair HyperView functionality with interactive tutorials.
User Interface
Explore the HyperView user interface.
Explore the various display and visualization tools.
Create and import/export sets, create user defined coordinate systems, or use the symmetry visualization tool.
Explore the various result plotting tools.
Use the Contour tool to create contour plots of a model and graphically visualize the analysis results.
Use the Iso tool to display single iso values (iso surfaced for solids or iso line for shells) dependent on results data.
Use the Vector tool to set options for a vector plot.
Use the Tensor tool to view tensor plots of stress and strain directions and magnitudes for various solvers from elemental
Edit Legend
The Edit Legend dialog allows you to change the legend properties.
Graphical Editing of the Legend and Iso-slider
You can edit the contour, vector, or tensor plot legend in the graphics area.
Complex Results
Results in some analysis types come as complex numbers.
Computed Results
A listing of results that are computed in HyperView .
Nodal Averaging of Elemental Results
Nodal averaging of elemental results at a node refers to the average of all the element corner results passing through
that node.
Averaging Options
The averaging options allow you to limit the averaging of results to only a group of elements that are considered to be
bound by same feature angle or face.
Multi-model Result Plotting
HyperView allows for plotting (contour, iso, vector, or tensor) across multiple overlaid models.
Animation Types
HyperView 's animation functions allow you to view your model in motion. The three types of animation include transient, modal, and linear static.
Use the Deformed tool to specify parameters for deformation display.
Derived Load Cases
The Loadcase tool allows you to create a derived load case from other load cases, or from a combination of other load cases and simulation
Use the Streamlines tool to generate streamlines using any available nodal or elemental vector field (typically a velocity
Use the Tracking tool to track any entity during animation.
Use the Query tool to view and export properties and other information for nodes, elements, components, and systems contained
in the active model.
Systems Review Dialog
Use the Systems Review dialog to review the orientations of various element systems (1D, 2D, or 3D), as well as material
and ply systems.
Free Body Diagrams (FBD)
The Free Body Diagram (FBD) tool facilitates the extraction and post-processing of Grid Point Force (GPFORCE) results
and can be used create and edit Free Body Diagrams (FBD).
Stress Linearization
Stress linearization, a widely used procedure in the Oil and Gas and ship-building industries, is used to analyze stresses
in a structure, such as a pressure vessel.
HyperWorks Result Math
A result manipulation library that enables user-defined data types to be added to a result, and transitions complex data
manipulation tasks from HyperView to a reusable, modifiable set of libraries that focus solely on result processing tasks.
CFD Post-Processing
HyperView offers CFD post-processing capabilities for a large class of industrial applications.
Fatigue Manager
The fatigue manager allows you to write stress and strain results from a finite element analysis to an external file that
can be used to set up a fatigue analysis.
Fatigue Configuration File
Annotate Model Results
Annotate model results using the Measures, Notes, Tracing, Image Planes, and Build Plots tools.
Tools Menu
From the Tools menu, you can access various panels and dialogs.
Preferences Menu
From the Preferences menu, you can define file export settings and access the Options dialog.
Aerospace Menu
The Aerospace menu provides you with access to the Composite, Report, and Matrix Browser tools.
NVH Menu
The NVH menu provides you with access to various NVH utilities.
HyperView Solver Interfacing
Supported solvers in HyperView .
Delete a Tracking System
Select a tracking system from the Tracking Systems list.
Note: Multiple tracking systems can also be selected.
Delete the tracking system(s) using one of the following methods.
Click Delete (located at the bottom of the
Press the Delete key on the keyboard.
The tracking system is removed from the list.