Creates a 3D tensor from six scalar tables and stores the result in answer.
- xx
- A scalar value table.
- yy
- A scalar value table.
- zz
- A scalar value table.
- xy
- A scalar value table.
- yz
- A scalar value table.
- zx
- A scalar value table.
- sysid
- A system ID or keyword (default = 0).
- answer
- A tensor value table.
- xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, zx and answer must be bound to the same entity type and of the same domain (complex or real).
- sysid is a string containing an ID or keyword that defines the system
the tensor will be created relative to:
- “0”: Global (the default)
- A positive integer: a system ID in the model
- “elem”: the elemental coordinate system
- “anal”: the nodal analysis system
- “ply”: the elemental ply system
- “mat”: the elemental material system
- If xx is a constant value table (created by the Constant operator), no records will be added to the answer table.
- If a record cannot be found in all six input scalar tables, no tensor will be created.
TensorFromScalar(xs,ys,zs,xys,yzs,zxs)XML Example
<call name="TensorFromScalar" xx="xs_tab" yy="ys_tab" zz="zs_tab" xy="xys_tab" yz="yzs_tab" zx="zxs_tab" answer="ans_tab" />