Constant Radius

A Constant radius event simulates a vehicle driving in a circular path.

The Constant radius event maintains a constant turn radius and varies the vehicle velocity to produce increasing amounts of lateral acceleration. Steering and torque controllers maintain the path and the speed of the vehicle through the event. A plot template is available to plot the results. The Constant radius event is used to characterize the roll and understeer characteristics of a vehicle.

The event at a steady state speed or at an increasing speed (and as a result, increasing lateral acceleration).

Figure 1.
The parameters available in the Constant Radius event are detailed in the following table.
Parameter Description
Radius The radius of the circle that the vehicle CG will follow during the constant radius portion of the event.
Initial straight Vehicle is driven straight this distance, to attain steady state.
Turn direction Direction the vehicle turns during the event (as seen by the driver).
Initial velocity Initial vehicle velocity (meters/second).
Final velocity Final velocity desired in the test (meters/second).
Time in circular track The time spent in the circular track.
Initial lateral acc Estimated initial lateral acceleration, calculated using the initial speed and the turn radius.
Final lateral acc Estimated final lateral acceleration, calculated using the initial speed and the turn radius.
Look ahead time Look ahead time, used by the driver model.
Prediction step size Maximum step size that the solver can take, in seconds (if the number is .02, maximum step size is .02 seconds).
Print interval Data is output to the plot file and graphics file at this time interval.


ISO +4138-2004 - Passenger cars — Steady-state circular driving behavior — Open-loop test methods.