CD-Tire Supported Models, Road Surfaces, and Operating Systems

CD-Tire Version 3.0 is supported in MotionSolve version 11.0 (with the 11.0.201 Solvers SA installed). This release supports various tire and road models as described below:

Tire Models

  • CD-Tire 20-Rigid Ring
  • CD-Tire 30-Flexible Ring
  • CD-Tire 40-3D Tire
  • CD2030- Adaptive Tire
  • CD2040-Adaptive Tire
The tire models, their use, and the underlying assumptions behind them are described in the CD-Tire Users Manual provided by Fraunhofer LBF.

Road Surfaces

The complete Road Surface library is supported in this release, as described in the CD-Tire Manual. This includes the following road surface descriptions:
  • Model 1000-Parametric Road Surface Description
  • Model 1002-Rolling Drum Model
  • Model 1100-User Defined
  • Model 2000-Parametric and Digitized Road Surface

Operating Systems

  • Windows 32
  • Windows 64