CD-Tire Licensing

CD-Tire licenses are provided by Altair. Your local Altair sales representative can help you obtain a license. The license request will require the MAC address of the ethernet adapter.

Licensing For MotionSolve Users

  1. Create a file specifically named CDTire.ini and set the contents of the file to be:
    • The license file that is pointed to on the first line should be the current location of your CD-Tire license file.
    • The MaxThreads integer variable determines the maximum desired number of threads. The actual number of threads will be selected based on this number and on your system architecture.
  2. Setup an environment variable called CDTIREHOME and set the variable to the path of the directory which contains the CDTire.ini file (the file name should not be part of the environment variable).

Licensing with a Served License

The CD-Tire installation comes with a flexlm distribution, which includes the vendor daemon CDTIRE.
If you received a license file that needs to be served (the license file starts with SERVER <servername><serverHID><optional port>) you need to:
  1. Install CD-Tire on the server (or copy the <CDTire\flexlm\<version>\<platform> directory).
  2. Modify the port specification according to your site requirements (the license file is shipped with a predefined port specification which can be edited without invalidating the license).
  3. Start the license manager by executing the following file:

    <CDTire>\flexlm\<version>\<platform>\lmgrd –c <license _file> -l <log_file>

    Alternatively, you can use the lmtools.exe executable to serve the license.

    Note: If the server needs to be restarted, you must make sure that the server is terminated correctly. If the server is not terminated correctly the server will not restart properly. See the flexlm documentation for more information on how to administrate the license.

    For server based licenses, "License File" in the .init file must be set to <port>@<server>.

Licensing For ADAMS Users

  1. Create a file specifically named CDTire.ini and set the contents of the file to be:

    The license file that is pointed to on the first line should be the one you are currently using with the ADAMS solver.

  2. Setup an environment variable called CDTIREHOME and set the variable to the path of the directory which contains the CDTire.ini file (the file name should not be part of the environment variable).