Plotting CD-Tire Results

Models can also be plotted in HyperGraph version 10.0 and later, using data saved in .abf and .plt files.

.abf File Post-processing

Requested tire data is saved as a REQSUB type in the .abf file. Select the specific tire data you are interested in and plot the request. Requests must be plotted individually and cannot be selected as a group. When plotting the .abf file, the component names are displayed and will show up on the plot as the line label names (see the examples below):

Figure 1. Selecting tire data to plot from the .abf file

Figure 2. Plot of tire data from an .abf file

.plt File Post-processing

Tire requests are reported in the .plt file as REQSUB entities. Requests and the column where they are stored in the data are shown below:
Request Description X Y Z RX RY RZ
1 Rolling States Rolling Radius Omega Actual        
2 Tire Kinematics Longitudinal Slip Lateral Slip Inclination Angle      
3 Tire Forces in Ground Ref Frame Longitudinal Force Lateral Force Normal Force Overturning Moment Rolling Resistance Aligning Torque
6 Tire Forces in Tydex C Ref Frame Longitudinal Force Lateral Force Normal Force Overturning Moment Rolling Resistance Aligning Torque
10 Tire Contact Patch Location Tire X Contact Patch Location Tire Y Contact Patch Location Tire Z Contact Patch Location      
15 Miscellaneous Data Tire Model Enumerator CPU Time        

Figure 3. Tire Forces from a .plt file