Project Vectors on a Cross Section Plane

  1. From the Vector panel, click the Section tab (located in the middle of the panel).
    Note: The Section options will only be enabled if all of the following conditions are met:
    • A section cut has been applied to the model.
    • The Selection input collector is set to Sections.
    • The Resolved in system is set to Global.
  2. Activate the Projected option to project the vectors to the cross section plane.
  3. Activate the Evenly distributed option to evenly distribute the vectors on a cross section.
    1. Enter the desired number of rows that will be used to evenly distribute the vectors.
    2. Enter the desired number of columns that will be used to evenly distribute the vectors.
    Note: The Evenly distributed option must be activated in order to enable these options.
    Tip: You can also use the command layer to change the updating policy for the vector plot on the cross section.