The averaging options allow you to limit the averaging of results to only a group of elements that are considered to be
bound by same feature angle or face.
The Free Body Diagram (FBD) tool facilitates the extraction and post-processing of Grid Point Force (GPFORCE) results
and can be used create and edit Free Body Diagrams (FBD).
Stress linearization, a widely used procedure in the Oil and Gas and ship-building industries, is used to analyze stresses
in a structure, such as a pressure vessel.
A result manipulation library that enables user-defined data types to be added to a result, and transitions complex data
manipulation tasks from HyperView to a reusable, modifiable set of libraries that focus solely on result processing tasks.
The fatigue manager allows you to write stress and strain results from a finite element analysis to an external file that
can be used to set up a fatigue analysis.