Hot Spot Stress
HyperLife calculates hot spot stress based on grid point force of a toe/root element.
In the original approach suggested by Fermér, Andréasson, Frodin, grid point forces contributed to the element of interest were directly used without any "adjustment". Later research [P. Fransson and G. Pettersson, 2000] showed that averaging grid point forces made grid point forces less mesh sensitive.
- HyperLife identifies potential damage locations at weld toe, weld root, weld throat and their evaluation surface from weld elements location and its normal direction (as shown in previous sections).
- For the corresponding root and toe damage locations (in adjacent elements),
and in the throat (in the weld element), local coordinate systems are
constructed. The local X axis is constructed in the direction perpendicular
to and away from the corresponding weld element face at the center of the
adjacent element on the weld line (the X axis is in located in the plane of
the adjacent element). The local Y axis is constructed perpendicular to this
X axis in the plane of the adjacent element.
Figure 1. Seam Weld Stress Calculation Example - Grid point forces are calculated at grids (Q and R) of the adjacent element
(2) along the weld line. Grid point force contributions are sourced from
elements attached (1 and 3) to the adjacent element. Grid point forces are calculated as:
(1) (2) Moments are written as:(3) (4) - At each node (
) of the adjacent element that lies on the
weld line, averaged grid point forces/moments weighted by length of the
adjacent element and the attached element on the weld toe line are
calculated.Weighted forces are written as:
(5) (6) Weighted moments are written as:(7) (8) - Line Forces and Moments are calculated based on the weighted grid point
forces and moments. These line forces and moments from both ends of the
adjacent element on the weld line are averaged to generate the line force
and moment at the midpoint (
).Line Forces are calculated as:
(9) (10) Line Moments are calculated as:(11) (12) The averaged line forces and moments at the midpoint, , for element 2 are:(13) (14) - The line force and moment at the midpoint are then resolved in the local coordinate system constructed in step 2 to generate and respectively. This force and moment pair leads to tensile and bending stresses in the adjacent element with respect to the weld line. These are the forces that are used to calculate stresses.
- Stresses are then calculated normal to the weld line for the adjacent
element from this force moment pair. Stresses are calculated for both top
and bottom of the shell element, and depending on the type of weld, either
one or both are used for fatigue calculations. This is the final hot spot
stress used in further S-N Fatigue Damage Evaluation. For addition
information, refer to Stress-Life (S-N) Approach.
(15) (16)