Uniaxial Fatigue Analysis, using S-N (stress-life) and E-N (strain-life) approaches for predicting the life (number
of loading cycles) of a structure under cyclical loading may be performed by using HyperLife.
Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis, using S-N (stress-life), E-N (strain-life), and Dang Van Criterion (Factor of Safety)
approaches for predicting the life (number of loading cycles) of a structure under cyclical loading may be performed
by using HyperLife.
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Uniaxial Fatigue Analysis
Uniaxial Fatigue Analysis, using S-N (stress-life) and E-N (strain-life) approaches for predicting the life (number of loading cycles) of a structure under cyclical loading may be performed by using HyperLife.
Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis
Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis, using S-N (stress-life), E-N (strain-life), and Dang Van Criterion (Factor of Safety) approaches for predicting the life (number of loading cycles) of a structure under cyclical loading may be performed by using HyperLife.