Uniaxial Fatigue Analysis, using S-N (stress-life) and E-N (strain-life) approaches for predicting the life (number
of loading cycles) of a structure under cyclical loading may be performed by using HyperLife.
Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis, using S-N (stress-life), E-N (strain-life), and Dang Van Criterion (Factor
of Safety) approaches for predicting the life (number of loading cycles) of a structure under cyclical
loading may be performed by using HyperLife.
Experiments show that cracks nucleate and grow on specific planes known as critical
planes. The Critical Plane Approach captures the physical nature of damage in its
damage assessment process. It deals with stresses and strains on
the critical planes.
The Stress-Life Approach for the Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis is similar to Uniaxial Fatigue Analysis. See the S-N
Curve and Cycle Counting sections of Uniaxial Fatigue Analysis for introductory information for Stress-Life approach
in Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis.
Since the applied load is considered non-proportional multiaxial cyclic, HyperLife runs the Jiang-Sehitoglu plasticity model to calculate the total strain and elasto-plastic stress.
Depending on the material, stress state, environment, and strain amplitude, fatigue life will usually be dominated
either by microcrack growth along shear planes or along tensile planes.
The method implemented in OptiStruct is based on a research paper Fatigue Life Prediction of MAG-Welded Thin-Sheet Structures published by M. Fermér, M Andréasson, and B Frodin.
Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis, using S-N (stress-life), E-N (strain-life), and Dang Van Criterion (Factor
of Safety) approaches for predicting the life (number of loading cycles) of a structure under cyclical
loading may be performed by using HyperLife.
Since the applied load is considered non-proportional multiaxial cyclic, HyperLife runs the Jiang-Sehitoglu plasticity model to calculate the total strain and elasto-plastic stress.
Depending on the material, stress state, environment, and strain amplitude, fatigue life will usually be dominated
either by microcrack growth along shear planes or along tensile planes.
Depending on the material, stress state, environment, and strain amplitude, fatigue
life will usually be dominated either by microcrack growth along shear planes or along
tensile planes.
Critical plane models incorporate the dominant parameters governing either type of
crack growth. Due to the different possible failure modes, shear or tensile
dominant, no single mean stress correction model should be expected to correlate
test data for all materials in all life regimes. There is no consensus yet as to the
best mean stress correction model to use for multiaxial fatigue life estimates.
Multiple models are used in HyperLife Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis.
For strain-based mean stress correction, one model for tensile crack growth,
Smith-Watson-Topper is used and two models for shear crack growth, Fatemi-Socie
model and Brown-Miller model and the Morrow model are available. You can define
damage models from the
Fatigue Module dialog. If multiple models are defined, OptiStruct selects the model which leads to maximum damage
from all the available damage values.
Smith-Watson-Topper Model
This model is for tensile crack growth. In very high strength steels or 304 stainless
steel under some local histories, cracks nucleate in shear, but fatigue life is
controlled by crack growth on planes perpendicular to the maximum principal stress
and strain. Both strain range and maximum stress determine the amount of fatigue
damage. Figure 1. SWT Damage Model
This model, commonly referred to as the SWT parameter, was originally developed and
continues to be used as a correction for mean stresses in uniaxial loading
situations. The SWT parameter is used in the analysis of both proportionally and
non-proportionally loaded components for materials that fail primarily due to
tensile cracking. The SWT parameter for multiaxial loading is based on the principal
strain range, and maximum stress on the principal strain range
plane, .(1)
The stress term in this model makes it suitable for describing mean stresses during
multiaxial loading and non-proportional hardening effects.
Fatemi-Socie Model
This model is for shear crack growth. During shear loading, the irregularly shaped
crack surface results in frictional forces that will reduce crack tip stresses, thus
hindering crack growth and increasing the fatigue life. Tensile stresses and strains
will separate the crack surfaces and reduce frictional forces. Fractographic
evidence for this behavior has been obtained. Fractographs from objects that have
failed by pure torsion show extensive rubbing and are relatively featureless in
contrast to tension test fractographs where individual slip bands are observed on
the fracture surface. Figure 2. Fatemi-Socie Model
To demonstrate the effect of maximum stress, tests with the six tension-torsion
loading histories were conducted, that were designed to have the same maximum shear
strain amplitudes. The cyclic normal strain is also constant for the six loading
histories. The experiments resulted in nearly the same maximum shear strain
amplitudes, equivalent stress and strain amplitudes and plastic work. The major
difference between the loading histories is the normal stress across the plane of
maximum shear strain.
The loading history and normal stress are shown in the figure at the top of each
crack growth curve. Higher maximum stresses lead to faster growth rates and lower
fatigue lives. The maximum stress has a lesser influence on the initiation of a
crack, if crack initiation is defined on the order of 10 mm, which is the size of
the smaller grains in this material.
These observations lead to the following model that can be interpreted as the cyclic
shear strain modified by the normal stress to include the crack closure
The sensitivity of a material to normal stress is reflected in the value . Where, is stress where a significant total strain of 0.002 is used
in HyperLife. If test data from multiple stress states is not
available, = 0.3. This model not only explains the difference
between tension and torsion loading, but also can be used to describe mean stress
and non-proportional hardening effects. Critical plane models that include only
strain terms cannot reflect the effect of mean stress or strain path dependent on
If or are not available, HyperLife
calculates them using the following relationship. The transition fatigue life, , is selected because the elastic and plastic strains
contribute equally to the fatigue damage. It can be obtained from the uniaxial
fatigue constants.(3)
The Fatemi-Socie model can be employed to determine the shear strain
First, note that the exponents should be the same for shear and
Shear modulus is directly computed from the tensile modulus.(6)
Yield strength can be estimated from the uniaxial cyclic stress strain
Normal stresses and strains are computed from the transition fatigue life and
uniaxial properties.(8)
Substituting the appropriate the value of elastic and plastic Poisson's ratio
Separating the elastic and plastic parts of the total strain results in these
expressions for the shear strain life constants:(10)
Brown-Miller Model
This model is for shear crack growth. Brown and Miller conducted combined tension and
torsion tests with a constant shear strain range. The normal strain range on the
plane of maximum shear strain will change with the ratio of applied tension and
torsion strains. Based on the data shown below for a constant shear strain
amplitude, Brown and Miller concluded that two strain parameters are needed to
describe the fatigue process because the combined action of shear and normal strain
reduces fatigue life. Figure 3. Fatigue Life vs Normal Strain Amplitude
Morrow is the first to consider the effect of mean stress through introducing the
mean stress in fatigue strength coefficient by:(11)
Thus, the entire fatigue life formula becomes:(12)
Morrow's equation is consistent with the observation that mean stress effects are
significant at low value of plastic strain and of little effect at high plastic
Influence of Normal Strain Amplitude
Analogous to the shear and normal stress proposed by Findley for high cycle fatigue,
they proposed that both the cyclic shear and normal strain on the plane of maximum
shear must be considered. Cyclic shear strains will help to nucleate cracks and the
normal strain will assist in their growth. They proposed a simple formulation of the
Where, is the equivalent shear strain range and is a material dependent parameter that represents
the influence of the normal strain on material microcrack growth and is determined
by correlating axial and torsion data. is the maximum shear strain range and is the normal strain range on the plane experiencing
the shear strain range . Considering elastic and plastic strains separately
with the appropriate values of Poisson's ratio results in:(14)
Mean stress effects are included using Morrow's mean stress approach of subtracting
the mean stress from the fatigue strength coefficient. The mean stress on the
maximum shear strain amplitude plane, is one half of the axial mean stress leading
Select either the Fatemi-Socie model or the Miller-Brown model for shear crack growth
mode. The SWT model is always used for tensile crack growth. Morrow method is also
Damage in a SWT model is calculated in the maximum principal stress plane.
Likewise, damages in Brown-Miller and Findley models are calculate on the maximum
shear strain plane and maximum shear tress plane, respectively.
1 Jiang and
Sehitoglu "Modeling of Cyclic Ratcheting Plasticity, Part I: Development of
Constitutive Equations," Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 63, 1996, 720-725
2 Tanaka, E., "A
Non-proportionality Parameter and a Cyclic Viscoplastic Constitutive Model Taking
into Account Amplitude Dependencies and Memory Effects of Isotropic Hardening,"
European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids, Vol. 13, 1994, 155-173)
3 Koettgen V.B.,
Barkey M.E., and Socie, D.F. "Pseudo Stress and Pseudo Strain Based Approaches to
Multiaxial Notch Analysis" Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and
Structures, Vol. 18, No. 9, 1995, 981-1006)