MF-SWIFT Tire DataSet Options

The MF/Swift tire system definition contains a DataSet which allows you to modify various parameters for each of the four tires on a full vehicle.

The steps necessary to access the DataSet are described below:

  1. After adding the full vehicle assembly, as described previously, select the Tire Data DataSet (located under the MF/Swift Tire system) in the Project Browser:

    Figure 1.
    The DataSet panel is automatically displayed.
  2. From the DataSet panel, click the expansion button (located on the right side of the panel) in order to display the Dataset Property Data dialog.

    Figure 2.
  3. Using the DataSet, you can set the following for each of the four tires:
    • Tire unloaded radius
    • Tire rolling radius
    • Tire property file
    • Road property file

    Figure 3.
    You can also select the type of road to be used, either Fixed or Moving.
    Note: Currently only the Fixed road type is supported in MotionSolve.