HTire Additional TYDEX Output Signals

Complementary to the actual rim forces and moments, HTire provides additional output signals. A subset of these signals is bundled in the STI compatible TYDEX output array, described in the table below. Due to compatibility constraints set by different calling programs, this output array is complicated and contains some signals repeatedly. Moreover, the availability of the TYDEX output array depends on the calling program.

For a simpler breakdown of signals, see the Additional Plot Signals Output File topic.

Index in TYDEX output array Unit Explanation
1..3 N contact forces, expressed in TYDEX W frame
4..6 Nm contact moments, expressed in TYDEX W frame
7 rad side-slip angle
8 - longitudinal slip (values between -1 and 1)
9 rad tire camber angle (angle between road normal and tire mid-plane)
26..28 m assumed contact point position in global coordinates
29..37 - 3x3 transformation matrix from W frame to global coordinates, stored column-wise
38..40 N contact forces, expressed in ISO coordinate system (differs from TYDEX W frame by road inclination)
41..43 Nm contact moments, expressed in ISO coordinate system
44 m tire deflection
45 m/s rim center velocity in vertical direction, along road normal
46 m/s slip velocity in longitudinal direction (nearly zero for free rolling tire)
47 m/s slip velocity in lateral direction (nearly zero at zero side-slip angle)
48 m/s rim center velocity in longitudinal direction
49 m dynamic rolling radius
50 rad/s rim angular velocity
82..84 N rim forces, expressed in TYDEX C frame
85..87 Nm rim moments, expressed in TYDEX C frame
91..93 N contact forces, expressed in ISO coordinate system
94..96 Nm contact moments, expressed in ISO coordinate system