HTire Additional Plot Signals Output File

Upon request, HTire provides another ASCII output file, containing a comprehensive set of most of the available output signals. This file, provided independently on the calling program, has the extension mtl, which reflects the file is easily loaded and analyzed in Matlab™. Moreover, FTire/tools provide an easy-to-use plot program for this file format.

The table below lists the channels and their meaning:

Channel # Unit Explanation
1 mm tire deflection
2 m/s deflection velocity
3 % wheel slip
4 deg side-slip angle
5 deg camber angle
6 deg wheel rotation angle
7 m traveled distance
8 deg normalized wheel rotation angle
9 rad/s wheel angular speed
10 m traveled distance
11 m/s wheel longitudinal velocity
12 m/s wheel lateral velocity
13 m/s wheel vertical velocity
14 % turn slip
15 N stationary fore-aft force
16 N stationary side force
17 Nm stationary aligning torque
18 1/m road profile curvature
19..21 N rim forces, expressed in TYDEX C frame
22..24 Nm rim moments, expressed in TYDEX C frame
25..27 N rim forces, expressed in TYDEX H frame
28..30 Nm rim moments, expressed in TYDEX H frame
31..33 N contact forces, expressed in TYDEX W frame
34..36 Nm contact moments, expressed in TYDEX W frame
37..39 N contact forces, expressed in ISO coordinate system
40..42 Nm contact moments, expressed in ISO coordinate system