free part
Free park check configurations.
GUI Default Settings
- gap
- Allowable distance between two parts. Example, a bolt and the bolt hole
clearance distance.
- slide-number
- The start number displayed on the top right corner of the PowerPoint slide.
- inputdir
- Initial director for the input data.
- outputdir
- Initial director for report output path.
- action
- User action type to be executed.
- Check
- Only intersection check will be executed, no reports.
- Report
- Only Reports will be generated from the previous check.
- Both
- Check and Report generation will be executed in a sequence.
- mode
- Default options for Run type.
- interactive
- Check executed in the front ground session.
- background
- Check executed in the background HyperMesh sessions, automatic restart executed if error occurs, the errors will be displayed in the browser as “Crash” keyword.
- contact-tolerance
- Allowable contact thickness between two parts. Example, for exhaust pipe
press fit clearance distance.
- unconnected_count_min
- Allowable unconnected parts. Issue will be found if few parts
interconnected but the # of interconnected parts are less than this
value will be reported.
- min-area
- Minimum area of part that must be considered for the check. Area of the part less than this will be ignored in the check. This is implemented to avoid small parts that do not have proper Name or Part Number.
- color
- Color of the unconnected parts in the PowerPoint report.