Launch Comparison Browser

Use the Comparison browser to compare and identify the topology difference between two model/part assembly/parts.

The Comparison browser supports CAD Offset and Comparison check. After the comparison check, the results are reported in PowerPoint, Excel and CSV file, in addition the results can be reviewed and modified directly in HyperMesh.

From the Assembly ribbon, Compare tools, click the Comparison tool.

The Comparison browser opens.

Browser User Interface

Overview of the Verification and Comparison browser user interface.

The Verification and Comparison browser consists of a search, filter, column data, and Entity Editor.

You can switch to the Part browser any time to perform detailed operations on a part.

Column Details

By default, the following attributes are listed as columns in the first pane.
Part assembly and model IDs.
Part entity colors.
MVD Part Name
Part entity name.
Entity specific property ID’s. At the part level, the IDs for referenced properties are displayed. At Component level, IDs of the referenced properties are displayed.
Part assembly and part Unique IDs.
MVD Revision
Major revision, Study revision, and Library Part revision.
MVD Material
Material name of the part
MVD Thickness
Entity specific thickness. At the part level it displays the thicknesses of the referenced properties. At component level it shows the thickness of the referenced property.
MVD Action
Type of operation for the part entity.
MVD Modeling Type
Type of modeling either mid-plan or skin mesh for the part entity.
MVD Mesh Size
Mesh size for the part entity.
MVD Error
Errors accrued in respective operation on the part.
MVD Function Name
Sub assembly name of the part.
MVD Assembly Name
Assembly name of the part.
MVD Counter Parts
Matching or intersecting part’s UDMID.
MVD Bounding Box
Bounding box of the part.
MVD Oriented Bounding Box
Oriented bounding box of the part.
MVD Weight
Weight of the part.
MVD Delta Weight
Weight difference between part and counter part.
MVD Load Collectors
Load collector card name of the part.
MVD Contacts
Contact card names of the part.
MVD Boundary Conditions
BCs card names of the part.
MVD Representation File
Default representation file path of the part.

Context Menu

Overview of the Verification and Comparison browser context menu.

Import CAD or FEM as a BOM file into the Verification browser for manual cleanup, and then run verifications. It is recommended to use a respective check in case no data cleanup in necessary, as this Import function is integrated into each verification function.
Export an .xml file to a specified location. You can use this .xml file to run Model verification using the XML option.
Check functions. For more information, refer to Perform Model Checks.
“Check (Comparison, Representation Comparison)”, “Multiple Checks".
Consists of part functions.
“Count”,”Rename”, “Renumber” “Export”, “Delete” , “Load”, “Load in other”, “Load in HyperView Player”, “Unload".
Consist of representation import options “Load”, “Load in other HM”, “Load in Hyper View Player”, “Unload”, and “Save”.
Review Results
Comparison and Intersection results are directly displayed in HyperMesh graphics. For Comparison function, you can right-click on Base Part and select review to display the base part and matched variant parts in the graphics area along with mismatched area with temp nodes.
Compare and identify unmatched information between a CSV file and the imported BOM file. Results will be populated in the Error column. The CSV file header details can be configured through the Configuration option, under the CSV comparison section.
Export selected parts and children parts in to a CSV file.
Read a CSV file exported with the Export function, and update the information displayed in the Verification browser. The Entities column is the reference column considered for updating the BOM.
Consist of “Divide Slides”, “Open In Explorer”, “Reset Results”, “Get Revision menus”, details are available in the functional detail sections.
Open the configuration dialog.