
Sensor entities define and store sensors typically used in safety analysis.

Sensors do not have a display state in the modeling window.


Card Description
*DATABASE_CPM_SENSOR Activates an ASCII file "cpm_sensor". Its input defines sensors' locations based on the positions of some Lagrangian segments. The output gives the history of the velocity, temperature, density, and pressure averaged on the number of particles contained in the sensors.
*PART_SENSOR Links part/component to a sensor to activate and deactivate during the analysis.
Note: This is supported as an attribute to an element to maintain its associativity with element inside HyperWorks X.
*SENSOR_CONTROL Applies sensor result on an entity during run.
*SENSOR_DEFINE_ELEMENT Strain gauge type sensor.
*SENSOR_DEFINE_FORCE Force transducer type sensor.
*SENSOR_DEFINE_NODE Accelerometer type sensor.
*SENSOR_DEFINE_CALC-MATH Perform mathematical calculations on sensor values.
*SENSOR_SWITCH Compares sensor value with input value and gives a logical signal.
*SENSOR_SWITCH_CALC-LOGIC Performs mathematical calculations on the logical signal from sensor logic.


Card Description
MONDSP1 Defines a virtual point displacement response at a user-defined reference location (coordinates and coordinates system) as a weighted average of the motions at a set of grid points.
MONPNT1 Defines an integrated load monitor point at a point (x,y,z) in a user defined coordinate system.
MONPNT2 Element Monitor Output Results Item.
MONPNT3 Sums select Grid Point Forces to a user chosen monitor point.

OptiStruct Cards

Card Description
MARKER Defines a marker by associating a grid and a coordinate system.
Note: Bulk Data Entry


Card Description
SENSO / Definition of a sensor.
Note: Types 2 and 4 are not supported.
SENSOR/ Definition of a sensor.
Note: Types 2 and 4 are not supported.

Radioss Cards

Card Description
/GAUGE Defines gauges.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/SENSOR Defines a sensor for geometric nonlinear analysis. Sensors may be used to activate loads (see NLOAD1).
Note: Block Format Keyword
/SENSOR/ACCE Defines an accelerometer..
Note: Block Format Keyword

Available in the /SENSOR card image, when the Sensor Type is set to Acceleromter - Type 1.

/SENSOR/AND ON if sensors SID1 and SID2 are ON
Note: Block Format Keyword

Available in the /SENSOR card image, when the Sensor Type is set to ON as long as S1 AND S2 - Type 4.

/SENSOR/DIST Defines pressure gauge.
Note: Block Format Keyword

Available in the /SENSOR card image, when the Sensor Type is set to Nodal Distance - Type 2.

/SENSOR/INTER Defines interface activation and deactivation.
Note: Block Format Keyword

Available in the /SENSOR card image, when the Sensor Type is set to Interface Act and Deact - Type 6.

/SENSOR/NOT ON if sensor SID1 is OFF.
Note: Block Format Keyword

Available in the /SENSOR card image, when the Sensor Type is set to On as long as S1 is OFF - Type 8.

/SENSOR/OR ON if sensors SID1 or SID2 is ON.
Note: Block Format Keyword

Available in the /SENSOR card image, when the Sensor Type is set to On as long as S1 OR S2 - Type 5.

/SENSOR/RBODY Activation of sensor by Rigid Body force criteria.
Note: Block Format Keyword

Available in the /SENSOR card image, when the Sensor Type is set to RBody - Type11.

/SENSOR/RWAL Activation/Deactivation of sensor by contact with rigid wall.
Note: Block Format Keyword

Available in the /SENSOR card image, when the Sensor Type is set to Rigid wall Act and Deact - Type 7.

/SENSOR/SECT Activation of sensor by Section force criteria.
Note: Block Format Keyword

Available in the /SENSOR card image, when the Sensor Type is set to Sect - Type12.

/SENSOR/SENS Activation with sens_ID1; Deactivation with sens_ID2.
Note: Block Format Keyword

Available in the /SENSOR card image, when the Sensor Type is set to Active S1, Deact S2 - Type 3.

/SENSOR/TIME Start time.
Note: Block Format Keyword

Available in the /SENSOR card image, when the Sensor Type is set to Start Time - Type 0.