
Property entities define and store 1D, 2D, and 3D property definitions for a model.

Properties do not have a display state in the modeling window. You can color the model according to the colors assigned to each property, which is based on element property relationships, by changing the color mode to propety.

Element property relationships are dependent on the solver interface. In general, when a component is assigned a property, that property assignment is applied to all elements collected by that component. The method of assigning properties at the component level is therefore referred to as indirect property assignment. Direct property assignment is performed directly on the elements themselves, typically via a property assignment. Direct property assignments always take precedence over indirect property and material assignments.

Abaqus Cards

Card Description
*ADAPTIVE CONTROLS Controls various aspects of the adaptive meshing and advection algorithms applied to an adaptive mesh domain.
*BEAM ADDED INERTIA Define additional beam inertia.
*BEAM GENERAL SECTION Specify a beam section when numerical integration over the section is not required.
Note: Only one *BEAM GENERAL SECTION card is output per component, therefore the beam elements in each component must have the same cross-sectional properties.
*BEAM SECTION Specify a beam section when numerical integration over the section is required.
Note: Only one *BEAM SECTION card is output per component, therefore the beam elements in each component must have the same cross-sectional properties.
*COHESIVE SECTION Specify element properties for cohesive elements.
*CONNECTOR SECTION Specify connector attributes for connector elements.

The following types are supported:

Standard template:


Explicit template:

All listed above, as well as ROTATION-ACCELEROMETER

*CONTACT DAMPING Define viscous damping between contacting surfaces.
Note: This card is a sub-option in the *SURFACE INTERACTION card image.
*DASHPOT Define dashpot behavior.
Note: Only one *DASHPOT card is output per component, therefore the spring elements in each component must have the same properties.

When the *DASHPOT card is written for DASHPOT1 elements, both dof1 and dof2 are written, but Abaqus only reads dof1.

For DASHPOTA elements, choose the DASHPOTA option in the *DASHPOT card image.

*EULERIAN SECTION Define properties of Eulerian continuum elements, including the list of materials that may occupy the elements.
*FASTENER (SPOT WELD) PROPERTY Prescribe mesh-independent fastener properties.
*FLUID BULK MODULUS Define compressibility for a hydraulic fluid.
Note: This option is used to define compressibility for the hydraulic fluid model. It can only be used in conjunction with the *FLUID BEHAVIOR option or the *FLUID PROPERTY option.
*FLUID DENSITY Specify hydrostatic fluid density.
Note: This option is used to define the reference fluid density for fluid cavities. It is only applicable for hydraulic and pneumatic fluids, and should not be used for user-defined fluids. The *FLUID DENSITY option can only be used in conjunction with the *FLUID BEHAVIOR option or the *FLUID PROPERTY option.
*FLUID EXPANSION Specify the thermal expansion coefficient for a hydraulic fluid.
Note: This option is used to define thermal expansion coefficients for the hydraulic fluid model. It can only be used in conjunction with the *FLUID BEHAVIOR option or the *FLUID PROPERTY option.
*FLUID PROPERTY Define properties for hydrostatic fluid elements.
*FRICTION Specify a friction model.
Note: This card is a sub-option in the *SURFACE INTERACTION card image. It is also supported as a separate card image to allow for it to be used as a sub-option of the *CONNECTOR FRICTION card (in *CONNECTOR BEHAVIOR).
*GAP Specify clearance and local geometry for GAP-type elements.
Note: Only one *GAP card is output per component, therefore the gap elements in each component must have the same properties.

Not available in the Explicit template.

*GASKET SECTION Specify element properties for gasket elements.
Note: Not available in the Explicit template.
*ITS Define the properties for ITS-type elements.
*JOINT Define properties for JOINTC elements.
Note: Only one *JOINT card is output per component, therefore the spring elements in each component must have the same properties.

The *SPRING and *DASHPOT cards in the *JOINT property behave the same way as the individual cards mentioned above. See the How do I section below for more information.

Not available in the Explicit template.

*M1 Define the first bending moment behavior of beams.
*M2 Define the second bending moment behavior of beams.
*MASS Specify a point mass.
Note: Only one *MASS card is output per component, therefore the mass elements in each component must have the same properties.
*MEMBRANE SECTION Specify section properties for membrane elements.
*NONSTRUCTURAL MASS Specify mass contribution to the model from nonstructural features.
Note: Only available in the Explicit template.
*PHYSICAL CONSTANTS Specify physical constants.
*REBAR LAYER Reinforcement definition
Note: The keyword is available in the card image of the SHELL SECTION (homogeneous and composite), MEMBRANE SECTION, and SURFACE SECTION.
*RIGID BODY Define a set of elements as a rigid body and define rigid element properties.
Note: For Analytical Rigid Surfaces, the ANALYTICAL SURFACE parameter should point to the corresponding ANALYTICAL_RIGID_SURFACE group from the card image of the *RIGID BODY card.
*ROTARY INERTIA (no longer listed on panel) Define rigid body rotary inertia.
Note: Only one *ROTARY INERTIA card is output per component, therefore the ROTARY1 elements in each component must have the same properties.
*SECTION CONTROLS Specify section controls.
*SHELL GENERAL SECTION Define a general, arbitrary, elastic shell section.
*SHELL SECTION Specify a shell cross-section.
*SOLID SECTION Specify element properties for solid, infinite, acoustic, and truss elements.
*SPRING Define spring behavior.
Note: Only one *SPRING card is output per component, therefore the spring elements in each component must have the same properties.

When the *SPRING card is written for SPRING1 elements, both dof1 and dof2 are written, but Abaqus only reads dof1.

For SPRINGA elements, choose the SPRINGA option in the *SPRING card image.

*SURFACE BEHAVIOR Define alternative pressure-overclosure relationships for contact.
Note: This card is a sub-option in the *SURFACE INTERACTION card image.
*SURFACE INTERACTION Define surface interaction properties.
Note: For Abaqus Explicit template, this card is defined as a group.
*SURFACE PROPERTY / *EMISSIVITY Define surface properties for cavity radiation analysis. It must immediately precede the *EMISSIVITY option.
*SURFACE SECTION Specify section properties for surface elements.
*SURFACE SMOOTHING Create a surface smoothing definition for contact interactions. It must be used in conjunction with the *CONTACT PAIR option.
*TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS Define transverse shear stiffness for beams and shells.
Note: This option must be used in conjunction with the *BEAM GENERAL SECTION, *BEAM SECTION, *COHESIVE SECTION, *SHELL GENERAL SECTION, or the *SHELL SECTION options. The transverse shear stiffness defined with this option affects only the transverse shear flexible elements whose section properties are defined by the immediately preceding section option.


Card Description
SECTYPE Associates section type information with a section ID number.


Card Description
*CONSTRAINED_JOINT_STIFFNESS_FLEXION-TORSION Define optional rotational and translational joint stiffness for joints.
*CONSTRAINED_JOINT_STIFFNESS_GENERALIZED Define optional rotational and translational joint stiffness for joints.
*CONSTRAINED_JOINT_STIFFNESS_TRANSLATIONAL Define optional rotational and translational joint stiffness for joints.
*DAMPING_PART_MASS Define mass weighted damping by part ID
*DAMPING_PART_STIFFNESS Assign Rayleigh stiffness damping coefficient by part ID
*DAMPING_RELATIVE Apply damping relative to the motion of a rigid body.
*DEFINE_CONNECTION_PROPERTIES Define failure related parameters for solid element spot weld failure by *MAT_SPOTWELD_DAIMLERCHRYSLER.
*EOS_GRUNEISEN (EOS 4) Equation of state Form 4.
*EOS_IDEAL_GAS (EOS 12) Equation of state for 12 for modeling ideal gas.
*EOS_JWL (EOS 2) Equation of state Form 2.
*EOS_LINEAR_POLYNOMIAL (EOS 1) Equation of state Form 1. Define coefficients for linear polynomial EOS and initialize the initial thermodynamic state of the material.
*EOS_PROPELLANT_DEFLAGRATION (EOS 10) Equation of state Form 10. Added to model airbag propellants.
*EOS_RATIO_OF_POLYNOMIALS (EOS 5) Equation of state Form 5.
*EOS_SACK_TUESDAY (EOS 3) Equation of state Form 3.
*EOS_TABULATED (EOS 9) Equation of state Form 9.
*EOS_TABULATED_COMPACTION (EOS 8) Equation of state Form 8.
*EOS_TENSOR_PORE_COLLAPSE (EOS 11) Equation of state Form 11.
*INTEGRATION_BEAM Define user defined through the thickness integration rules for the beam element.
*INTEGRATION_SHELL Define user defined through the thickness integration rules for the shell element.
*MAT_ADD_EROSION Many of the consitutive models in LS-DYNA do not allow failure and erosion. This option provides a way of including failure in these models although the option can also be applied to constitutive models of other failure/erosion criterion.
*SECTION_BEAM(TITLE) Define cross sectional properties for beam, truss, discrete beam and cable elements.
*SECTION_BEAM_AISC Defines cross-sectional properties for beams and trusses.
*SECTION_DISCRETE(TITLE) Define spring and damper elements for translation and rotation.
*SECTION_POINT_SOURCE(TITLE) Provides the inlet boundary condition for single gas flow (inflation potential) via a set of point source(s).
*SECTION_POINT_SOURCE_MIXTURE(TITLE) Provides: (a) an element formulation for a solid ALE part of the type similar to ELFORM=11 of *SECTION_SOLID and (b) the inlet gas injection boundary condition for multiple-gas mixture in-flow via a set of point sources.
*SECTION_SEATBELT(TITLE) Define section properties for the seat belt elements.
*SECTION_SHELL(TITLE) Define section properties for shell elements.
*SECTION_SHELL_ALE(TITLE) Define section properties for shell elements.
*SECTION_SHELL_EFG(TITLE) Define section properties for shell elements.
*SECTION_SOLID(TITLE) Define section properties for solid continuum and fluid elements.
*SECTION_SOLID_ALE(TITLE) Define section properties for solid continuum and fluid elements.
*SECTION_SOLID_EFG(TITLE) Define section properties for solid continuum and fluid elements.
*SECTION_SPH Define section properties for SPH particles.
*SECTION_TSHELL(TITLE) Define section properties for SPH particles.

Nastran Cards

Only one card image can be loaded into each property collector.

1D elements can be grouped into components with 2D and 3D elements for display purposes. The component groupings are maintained on export and import.

Properties for PBAR and PBEAM cards can be manually input in the card image or automatically created.

The HM_ELAS card defines properties for an HM_Spring element.

The Nastran and OptiStruct solver interfaces allow the property between groups to have the same ID. For example, PBAR3, PSHELL 3 and PSOLID 3. Duplicate IDs within the same group is not allowed.

Nastran and OptiStruct properties are grouped as follows:
Card Description
BCBDPRP Defines contact body parameters.
BCONPRG Defines geometric contact parameters of touching bodies.
BCONPRP Defines physical contact parameters of touching bodies.
PAABSF Defines the properties of a frequency-dependent acoustic absorber element.
PACABS Defines the properties of the acoustic absorber element.
PACBAR Defines the properties of the acoustic barrier element.
Note: PACBAR is referenced by a CHACBR entry only.

Either FRESON or KRESON must be specified, but not both.

PACINF Defines the properties of acoustic conjugate infinite elements.
PAERO1 Defines associated bodies for the panels in the Doublet-Lattice method.
PAERO2 Defines the cross-sectional properties of aerodynamic bodies.
PAXSYMH Defines the properties of a linear axisymmetric harmonic element.
PBAR Defines the properties of a simple beam element (CBAR entry).
PBARL Defines the properties of a simple beam element (CBAR entry) by cross-sectional dimensions.
PBEAM Defines the properties of a beam element (CBEAM entry). This element may be used to model tapered beams.
Note: Blank fields are not supported for intermediate stations. Appropriate default values are inserted during feinput.
PBEAML Defines the properties of a beam element by cross-sectional dimensions.
Note: Blank fields are not supported for intermediate stations. Appropriate default values are inserted during feinput.
PBEND Defines the properties of a curved beam, curved pipe, or elbow element (CBEND entry).
PBUSH Defines the nominal property values for a generalized spring-and-damper structural element.
PBUSH1D Defines linear and nonlinear properties of a one-dimensional spring and damper element (CBUSH1D entry).
PBUSHT Defines the frequency dependent properties or the stress dependent properties for a generalized spring and damper structural element.
PCOMP Defines the properties of an n-ply composite material laminate.
PCOMPG Defines global (external) ply IDs and properties for a composite material laminate.
PCOMPLS Defines global (external) ply IDs and properties for a composite material laminate in SOL 600 and SOLs 400 and 700.
PCONVM Specifies forced convection boundary condition properties for a boundary condition surface element.
PDAMP Specifies the damping value of a scalar damper element using defined CDAMP1 or CDAMP3 entries.
PELAS Specifies the stiffness, damping coefficient, and stress coefficient of a scalar elastic (spring) element (CELAS1 or CELAS3 entry).
PELAST Defines the frequency dependent properties for a PELAS Bulk Data entry.
PFAST Defines the CFAST fastener property values.
PGAP Defines the properties of the gap element (CGAP entry).
PHBDY Property entry referenced by a CHBDYP element to give auxiliary geometric information for it.

Defines the properties of a fully nonlinear (i.e., large strain and large rotation) hyperelastic plane strain

or axisymmetric element.

PLSOLID Defines a fully nonlinear (i.e., large strain and large rotation) hyperelastic solid element.
PMASS Specifies the mass value of a scalar mass element (CMASS1 or CMASS3 entries).
PROD Defines the properties of a rod element (CROD entry).
PSEAM Defines the PSEAM property values.
PSHEAR Defines the properties of a shear panel (CSHEAR entry).
PSHELL Defines the membrane, bending, transverse shear, and coupling properties of thin shell elements.
PSHELL1 Defines the properties of SOL 700 shell elements, which are more complicated than the shell elements defined using the PSHELL entry.
PSOLID Defines the properties of solid elements (CHEXA, CPENTA, and CTETRA entries).
PTUBE Defines the properties of a thin-walled cylindrical tube element (CTUBE entry).
PVISC Defines properties of a one-dimensional viscous damping element (CVISC entry).
PWELD Defines the properties of connector (CWELD) elements.

OptiStruct Cards

Only one property definition is allowed on each property collector. For definitions like PMASS, which allow more than one definition on the same card, this is separated on import into four different cards.

1D elements can be organized into components with 2D and 3D elements, and these component groupings are maintained on export and import. However, this usage is not recommended.
Card Description
HM_ELAS Defines properties for a HM_Spring element.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
PAABSF Defines the properties of the fluid acoustic absorber element.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
PAXI Defines the properties of axisymmetric elements. Referenced by CTAXI entry.
Note: Bulk Data Entry

Referenced by CTAXI.

PBAR Defines the properties of a simple beam (bar), which is used to create bar elements via the CBAR entry.
Note: Bulk Data Entry

Exported in large field format by optistructlf template.

PBARL Defines the properties of a simple beam (bar) by cross-sectional dimensions, which is used to create bar elements via the CBAR entry.
Note: Bulk Data Entry

Exported in large field format by optistructlf template.

PBEAM Defines the properties of beam elements defined via the CBEAM entry.
Note: Bulk Data Entry

Exported in large field format by optistructlf template.

PBEAML Defines the properties of a beam element by cross-sectional dimensions that are used to create beam elements via the CBEAM entry.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
PBUSH Defines the nominal property values for a generalized spring-damper-mass structural element.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
PBUSH1D Defines the linear and nonlinear properties for a one-dimensional spring-and-damper structural element.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
PCOMP Defines the structure and properties of an n-ply composite laminate material.
Note: Bulk Data Entry

Exported in large field format by optistructlf template.

PCOMPG Defines the structure and properties of a composite laminate material, allowing for global ply identification.
Note: Bulk Data Entry

Exported in large field format by optistructlf template.

PCOMPP Defines the properties of a composite laminate material used in ply-based composite definition.
Note: Bulk Data Entry

Exported in large field format by optistructlf template.

PCONT Defines properties of a CONTACT interface.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
PCONTX Defines properties of a CONTACT interface for geometric nonlinear analysis.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
PDAMP Specifies the damping of a scalar damper element using defined CDAMP1 or CDAMP3 entry.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
PELAS Used to define the stiffness and stress coefficient of a scalar elastic element (spring) by means of the CELAS1 or CELAS3 entry.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
PFAST Define properties of connector (CFAST) elements.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
PGAP Defines properties of the gap (CGAP or CGAPG) elements.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
PGASK Defining the properties for solid gasket elements.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
PLSOLID Defines the properties of nonlinear hyperelastic solid elements, referenced by CHEXA, CPENTA, and CTETRA Bulk Data Entries. The MATHE hyperelastic material can be referenced to define corresponding material properties.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
PMASS Defines the mass value of a scalar mass element (CMASS1 or CMASS3 entry).
Note: Bulk Data Entry
PROD Defines the properties of a rod, which is referenced by the CROD entry.
Note: Bulk Data Entry

Exported in large field format by optistructlf template.

PSHEAR Defines the properties of a shear panel.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
PSHELL Defines the membrane, bending, transverse shear, and membrane-bending coupling of shell elements.
Note: Bulk Data Entry

Exported in large field format by optistructlf template.

PSOLID Defines the properties of solid elements, referenced by CHEXA, CPENTA, CPYRA and CTETRA Bulk Data Entries.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
PTUBE Defines the properties of a thin-walled cylindrical tube element, referenced by a CTUBE entry.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
PVISC Defines properties of a one-dimensional viscous damping element (CVISC entry).
Note: Bulk Data Entry
PWELD Defines properties of connector (CWELD) elements.
Note: Bulk Data Entry


Card Description
FRICT / Friction modeling definition.
GASPEC / Specification of air bag gas.
RUPMO / Rupture model definition.

Permas Cards

Card Description
$GEODAT CONA Surface convection
$GEODAT CONS Shell surface convection
$GEODAT DAMPER Viscous damper

Radioss Cards

Radioss allows you to program your own properties, mostly for springs, that can be used in a simulation. Unsupported Radioss properties and user defined Radioss properties are assigned the PROP_UNSUPPORTED card image.

HyperWorks X imports unsupported properites with the PROP_UNSUPPORTED card image, and preserves their corresponding IDs and associated components.

In the PROP_UNSUPPORTED card image, all property sub-options, parameters, and data lines are supported as simple text. HyperWorks X does not check the validity or syntax of any data in this mode. You must manually check the validity of the data. No editing, updating, or review of the property data is intended. Also time step calculation and mass calculation are not available for the component that refers to this property.

Card Description
/ADMESH/SET Defines the criteria for adaptive meshing in parts. This keyword is not available for SPMD computation.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/DAMP/ Defines the Rayleigh mass and stiffness damping coefficients applied to a set of nodes. The damping can be applied to any nodal DOF either in local or global coordinate system.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/EOS/GRUNEISEN Describes the Gruneisen equation of state.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/EOS/POLYNOMIAL Describes the Linear polynomial equation of state P( ρ ,E).
Note: Block Format Keyword
/EOS/PUFF Describes the linear polynomial equation of state P(ρ,E) .
Note: Block Format Keyword
/EOS/SESAME Describes the SESAME table equation of state.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/EOS/TILLOTSON Describes the Tillotson equation of state.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/FAIL Describes the failure models.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/FAIL/CHANG Describes the Chang failure model.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/FAIL/CONNECT Describes the failure model for CONNECTION material with elongation criteria and/or energy criteria.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/FAIL/ENERGY Describes a specific energy failure model.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/FAIL/FLD Describes the forming limit.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/FAIL/HASHIN Describes the Hashin failure model. This failure model is available for Shell and Solid.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/FAIL/JOHNSON Describes the failure criteria by Johnson-Cook failure model.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/FAIL/LAD_DAMA Describes the Ladeveze failure model for delamination (interlaminar fracture).
Note: Block Format Keyword
/FAIL/PUCK Describes the Puck failure model.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/FAIL/SPALLING Describes the Spalling and Johnson-Cook failure model.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/FAIL/TAB1 Describes the strain failure model based on damage accumulation using user-defined functions.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/FAIL/TBUTCHER Describes a Tuler-Butcher failure model.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/FAIL/TENSSTRAIN Describes a strain failure model.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/FAIL/USERi (USER 1, 2, 3) Describes a user failure model.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/FAIL/WIERZBICKI Describes the BAO-XUE-Wierzbicki failure model.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/FAIL/WILKINS Describes the Wilkins failure model.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/FAIL/XFEM Describes a XFEM (eXtended Finite Element Method) failure model.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/LEAK/MAT Specifies effective leakage area of porous airbag fabric materials LAW19 and LAW58 as function of time, pressure, area and other parameters.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP Describes the property sets.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE3 (BEAM) Describes the beam property for torsion, bending, membrane or axial deformation.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE43 (CONNECT) Designed for spotweld, welding line or glue type connections. Only used with /MAT/CONNECT material law.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE14 (FLUID) Describes the general fluid property set.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/INJECT1 Describes mass injected for each constituent gas.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/INJECT2 Describes molar fraction injected for each constituent gas and total mass injected.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE18 (INT_BEAM) Describes the integrated beam property set. This beam model is based on Timoshenko theory and takes into account transverse shear strain without warping in torsion. It can be used for deep beam cases (short beams). Beam section and position of integration points can be either used as predefined or prescribed directly.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE33 (KJOINT) Describes the joint type spring.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE45 (KJOINT2) Describes the joint type spring between two rigid bodies.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE19 (PLY) Defines the ply property set used in ply-based composite definition. It is used in combination with /PROP/STACK (/PROP/TYPE17) or /PROP/TYPE51 to create ply-based sandwich composite properties.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE15 (POROUS) Describes the porous solid element property set (extended Darcy's law).
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE5 (RIVET) Describes the rivet property set.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE10 (SH_COMP) Defines the composite shell property set. It is possible to define composite with several layers and each layer with individual orthotropic direction.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE16 (SH_FABR) Defines the anisotropic layered shell property set. This property is currently only compatible with Elastic Anisotropic Fabric (/MAT/LAW58 (FABR_A)) and only one layer is allowed.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE9 (SH_ORTH) Defines the orthotropic shell property.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE19 (PLY) Defines the ply property set used in ply-based composite definition. It is used in combination with /PROP/STACK (/PROP/TYPE17) or /PROP/TYPE51 to create ply-based sandwich composite properties.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE11 (SH_SANDW) Defines the sandwich shell property set. It is possible to define sandwich composite with several layers and each lay with individual material, thickness, layer position and orthotropic direction. This property is only compatible with Material Laws 15, 25, 27, 36, 60, 72 and user laws.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE1 (SHELL) Describes the shell property set which used for 3-node or 4-node shell element. Belytschko, QBAT or QEPH shell formulation are available.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE6 (SOL_ORTH) Describes the orthotropic solid property set. This property set is used to define the fiber plane for /MAT/LAW14(COMPS0), the steel reinforcement direction for /MAT/LAW24 (CONC) or the cell direction for /MAT/LAW28 (HONEYCOMB). This property is only available for 8-node linear solid elements (/BRICK), tetrahedron elements (/TETRA4 and /TETRA10), and 2D solid elements (/QUAD). Quadratic bricks (/BRIC20 and /SHEL16) and pentahedron elements (/PENTA6) are not compatible with this property.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE14 (SOLID) Defines the general solid property set.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/SPH Defines the axisymmetric spring property set.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE25 (SPR_AXI) Defines the axisymmetric spring property set.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE13 (SPR_BEAM) A beam type spring property that works as a beam element with six independent modes of deformation. This spring accounts for non-linear stiffness, damping and different unloading. Deformation, force and energy-based failure criteria are available.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE44 (SPR_CRUS) A spring element property that represents a simple macro model of a crushable frame in compression, tension, torsion and bending. Originally, this element was developed in cooperation with PSA PEUGEOT CITROËN.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE8 (SPR_GENE) A spring property that works with six independent modes of deformation. This spring accounts for non-linear stiffness, damping and different unloading. Deformation, force and energy based failure criteria are available. The general spring property is often used to model a joint connection between two parts.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE32 (SPR_PRE) Describes the pretension spring property set.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE12 (SPR_PUL) A pulley spring property set (with one translational DOF) used to model a pulley.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE26 (SPR_TAB) Defines the tabulated spring property.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE4 (SPRING) Defines spring property with one translational DOF. This spring accounts for non-linear stiffness, damping and different unloading. Deformation based failure criteria is available.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE17 (STACK) Defines the sandwich shell property set using the stack and ply approach.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE2 (TRUSS) Defines the truss property set.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE22 (TSH_COMP) Defines the composite thick shell property set.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE21 (TSH_ORTH) Defines the orthotropic thick shell property set.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE20 (TSHELL) Defines the general thick shell property set.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/USER User-defined property.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/PROP/TYPE0 (VOID) Defines the void property set.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/THERM_STRESS/MAT Adds thermal expansion property for Radioss material (shell and solid).
Note: Block Format Keyword

Samcef Cards

Card Description
.BPR Define beam profiles.
.ETASHELL Used to assign the laminate to the elements. The Projection method is supported.
.ETASOLID Used to assign the laminate to the elements. The Projection method is supported.
.MCCBUSH Defines the property on the BUSH element.
.PHP SHELL Assign physical properties to an existing mesh.
SOLIDMAT Assign physical properties to an existing mesh.
Note: This is a dummy property that creates a link between the elements and the material, as it is not possible to directly assign a material to the elements.