Supported File Formats and Operating Systems

File formats and extensions associated with a process, and supported operating systems.

Supported File Formats

File Format Extension Description
Task Representation File .tsk A task you create with the task wizard is saved as a .tsk file and .tcl file.
Task Implementation File .tcl
Catalog File .xml A task you register is saved as a .xml file, such as batchmesh.xml, and saved in a catalog for reuse.
Process File .prs A process is saved as a .prs file such as myprocess.prs.
Note: Modifying a .prs file manually is not advised.
Process Instance File .pri A Process Instance file points to the correct .prs file when you load a .mvw session file. The .pri file also retains the input and output content and the execution state information for the process.
Note: You must invoke Automate before loading or modifying a .pri file. Modifying a .pri file manually is not advised.
Log File .log Session events are written to a .log file such as HW_Automate.log and saved to a user-defined directory.

Operating Systems

Operating System Version Architecture
Windows 7/8 x86_64
Server 2008


Linux** RHEL 6.2


Programming Concepts 10.8