poIImagePlane SetVidTrackData

Explicitly sets the video tracking data.


Imageplane_handle SetVidTrackDatadata


HyperView Tcl Modify


This command explicitly sets the arrays used for video tracking rather than calculating them from a tracking point. This is primarily used for restoring session files.


A string in the form “x y X Y X Y X Y…..”, where x and y are floats for the pixel location of the tracking point and the remaining X's and Y's are the offsets per frame order from beginning to end.


To set a tracking point of (1, 1) that gets offset by (5, 5):
hwi OpenStack
hwi GetSessionHandle session_handle
session_handle GetProjectHandle project_handle
project_handle GetPageHandle page_handle [project_handle GetActivePage]
page_handle GetWindowHandle window_handle [page_handle GetActiveWindow]
window_handle GetClientHandle client_handle
client_handle GetImagePlaneCtrlHandle ipc_handle
ipc_handle GetImagePlaneHandle image_plane_handle 1
image_plane_handle SetVidTrackData “1 1 5 5”
hwi CloseStack


Returns HW_InvalidHandle if the image plane handle is invalid.