poIImagePlane SetUserTransform

Sets the 2D or 3D user transform for the image plane.


Imageplane_handle SetUserTransformxformStr


HyperView Tcl Modify


The image plane maintains a separate user transform to track the position, rotation, and scaling applied to the image plane. This command allows you to set/modify the transform. SetUserTransformList does not alter any data regarding the alignment of a 3D image plane to a model. See GetAlignmentData, LocateBy3Points, and LocateBy2Points for additional information.


The new transform data. The format is different, depending on whether the image plane is in 3D mode or foreground/background mode. In 3D mode, the transform string consists of twelve floats, representing the rotation about X, Y, and Z, and the translation in X, Y, and Z. For foreground/background modes, the transform string consists of four floats, representing the X and Y scaling factor followed by the X and Y translation for the image.


To create two image planes, and then position them in 2D and 3D space:
hwi OpenStack
if {[catch {
    ::post::GetPostHandle client_handle
    hwi GetSessionHandle session_handle
    client_handle GetImagePlaneCtrlHandle ipc_handle
    set ipid1 [ipc_handle AddImagePlane Logo1]
    ipc_handle GetImagePlaneHandle imageplane_handle $ipid1
    imageplane_handle SetFileName g:/samples2/VideoOverlay/Altair_logo.jpg
    imageplane_handle SetMode background
    imageplane_handle SetCrop 0 0 0.9995 0.995
    imageplane_handle SetFilterType ColorAlpha;
    imageplane_handle SetFilterMode Equal
    imageplane_handle SetColorAlphaTarget "255 255 255"
    imageplane_handle SetColorAlphaTolerance 18
    imageplane_handle SetMipMapMode Linear1
    imageplane_handle SetMode 3D
    imageplane_handle SetUserTransform "1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 43.82 43.38"
    imageplane_handle ReleaseHandle;

    set ipid2 [ipc_handle AddImagePlane Background]
    ipc_handle GetImagePlaneHandle imageplane_handle $ipid2
    imageplane_handle SetFileName g:/samples2/VideoOverlay/Ts_Tall_rock_and_clouds_1600x1200.jpg
    imageplane_handle SetMode background
    imageplane_handle SetUserTransform "0.997 0.649 0.0 -0.17"
    imageplane_handle SetMaintainAspectRatio false
    imageplane_handle ReleaseHandle

    client_handle Draw
} result]} {
    global errorInfo;
    puts stderr $result;
    puts "[session_handle GetError]";
    puts stderr "*** Tcl TRACE ***";
    puts stderr $errorInfo;
} else {
    puts "No errors.";
    puts "Warnings: ";
    puts "    [session_handle GetError]";
hwi CloseStack


Returns HW_InvalidHandle if the image plane handle is invalid, or HW_Error if the transform string is invalid.