poIImagePlane LocateByMultPoints

Transforms the model based on a list of points to align it to a 2D image plane.


Imageplane_handle LocateByMultPointspointList execute


HyperView Tcl Modify


This command aligns the model with an image plane. The model is transformed to match the perspective of an image.


String containing at least seven corresponding model and image points that would be used for an alignment
The string is in the following format: # of points, model node locator strings, x y image points. This is the same format that is returned from GetAlignmentData when the alignment mode is set to IP_MULT_POINT.
Boolean value set to true will calculate alignment and update the view. A false value will calculate alignment but not store or update the view, it is used to update alignment error in order to give users a sense of how good the current alignment points are.


To set the sync model of an image plane with index 1 to a model with the index of 1:
hwi OpenStack
hwi GetSessionHandle session_handle
session_handle GetProjectHandle project_handle
project_handle GetPageHandle page_handle [project_handle GetActivePage]
page_handle GetWindowHandle window_handle [page_handle GetActiveWindow]
window_handle GetClientHandle client_handle
client_handle GetImagePlaneCtrlHandle ipc_handle
ipc_handle GetImagePlaneHandle image_plane_handle 1 
set pt_list [image_plane_handle LocateByMultPoints " 9  1 420608 @ 1 233 1 608  1 420840 @ 1 233 1 840  1 420314 @ 1 233 1 314  1 409148 @ 1 163 1 1148  1 438182 @ 1 162 1 182  1 391833 @ 1 188 1 4833  1 429052 @ 1 138 1 52  1 349822 @ 1 191 1 2822  1 409119 @ 1 163 1 1119 186 164 55 215 315 255 476 266 558 380 637 344 339 380 578 297 475 170 " true]
hwi CloseStack


Returns HW_InvalidHandle is image plane handle is invalid. Returns HW_Error if active model or video stream is not valid. Returns -2 if invalid node IDs are found in pointList.