poIImagePlane GetFilterType

Gets the current image post-processing filter type for the image plane.


Imageplane_handle GetFilterType


HyperView Tcl Query


The image plane offers several image post-processing filters that can be applied on the image or video. This command returns the filter type currently being used on the image plane.


To create one image plane, and then query it for post-processing related settings:
hwi OpenStack
if {[catch {
    ::post::GetPostHandle client_handle
    hwi GetSessionHandle session_handle
    client_handle GetImagePlaneCtrlHandle ipc_handle
    set ipid1 [ipc_handle AddImagePlane Logo1]
    ipc_handle GetImagePlaneHandle imageplane_handle $ipid1
    imageplane_handle SetFileName g:/samples2/VideoOverlay/Altair_logo.jpg
    imageplane_handle SetMode background
    imageplane_handle SetCrop 0 0 0.9995 0.995
    imageplane_handle SetFilterType Edge;
    imageplane_handle SetFilterMode Sobel;
    imageplane_handle SetEdgeColor "255 255 255";
    imageplane_handle SetMipMapMode Linear1
    puts "  Filter Type: [imageplane_handle GetFilterType]";
    puts "  Filter Mode: [imageplane_handle GetFilterMode]";
    puts "  Edge Color:  [imageplane_handle GetEdgeColor]";
    puts "  MipMap Mode: [imageplane_handle GetMipMapMode]";
    client_handle Draw
} result]} {
    global errorInfo;
    puts stderr $result;
    puts "[session_handle GetError]";
    puts stderr "*** Tcl TRACE ***";
    puts stderr $errorInfo;
} else {
    puts "No errors.";
    puts "Warnings: ";
    puts "    [session_handle GetError]";

hwi CloseStack

Console Output:

Filter Type: Edge
  Filter Mode: Sobel
  Edge Color:  255 255 255
  MipMap Mode: Linear1
No errors.


Returns HW_InvalidHandle if the image plane handle is invalid.