Find Connectivity

Check the connectivity between two or more components.

Certain types of connections can be included or excluded while checking for connectivity.
Restriction: The Find Connectivity tool is only available in the LS-DYNA and Radioss user profiles.
  1. From the menu bar, click Tools > Find Connectivity.
    The Find Connectivity Browser opens.
  2. Invoke the Find Connectivity controller by right-clicking in the browser and selecting Find Connectivity from the context menu.

    Figure 1.
  3. In the Find Connectivity controller, enable the type(s) of connectivity to include in the check.
    By default, all types of connectivity are enabled by except Connectors.

    Figure 2.
  4. Use the Select Entities selector to select two or more components to check the connectivity between.
    Connectivity check works on all the selected components regardless of its display state. Connectivity due to mass elements are completely excluded when checking connectivity.

    Figure 3.
  5. Click Check.
    If two or more parts are connected, the number of connected parts are displayed in the browser. Expand the folders to see individual components. If the parts are free, the free part is displayed separately.
Results are displayed in the browser.

Figure 4.

Connectivity Types


Physical connectivity
Checks for node to node connectivity (for 1D, 2D and 3D).
Checks for RBE2 connectivity.
Checks for RBODY connectivity.
Checks for contacts with INTER/TYPE2.
Checks for FE realized connections with connectors.
Rigid Links
Checks for RLINK connectivity.
Checks for RBE32 connectivity.
Checks for CYLJOINT connectivity.


Physical connectivity
Checks for node to node connectivity (for 1D, 2D and 3D).
Constrained Extra Nodes
Checks for connections using constrained extra nodes and extra noded joints.
Constrained Rigid Bodies
Checks for connections using constrained rigid bodies.
Constrained Groups
Contact Groups
NodesToSurface (only following types)
SurfaceToSurface (only following types)
Checks for FE realized connections with connectors.
Rigid Links
Checks for connections with Joints
Slipring and Retractor
Checks for connections with sliprings and Retractor