User Interface

Explore the HyperMesh user interface.

The title bar displays the name of the Session file (*.mvw) that is currently opened, along with the active product and user profile. The menu bar contains pull-down menus that provide access to standard functions such as file management operations, system preferences, and help. Each toolbar contains a group of icon buttons that provide access to common HyperMesh tools. The tab area organizes browsers, Utility menus for the solver interfacing user profiles, and other functionality not shown in the panel area in different tabs. The modeling window displays your model, geometry and plots. Browsers supply a great deal of view-related functionality in HyperMesh by listing the parts of a model in a tabular and/or tree-based format, and providing controls inside the table that allow you to alter the display of model parts. The Entity Editor enables you to quickly view and edit entities in a model and correctly setup solver information. Pre-processing and post-processing tools are displayed on panels located at the bottom of the application. The status bar displays information pertaining to the currently loaded model as well as descriptions of the pages and panels. Undo and redo actions performed in HyperMesh. Quickly find and open the tools, panels, and browsers that are available from the menu bar pull-downs or from the Utility Browser, as well as create solver cards.
  1. Title Bar. Indicates which product is active. Because you can switch between clients, clicking on and activating a different window may change the information in the title bar. If the client you have opened supports user profiles, the name of the active loaded user profile is also shown.
  2. Menu Bar. Contains pull-down menus that provide access to standard functions such as New, Open, Save and Undo/Redo. This is also where you can access system preferences, and the help.
  3. Toolbars. Group of icon buttons that provide access to common tools.
  4. Tab Area. Contains browsers, Utility menus for the solver interfacing user profiles, and other functionality not shown in the panel area.
  5. Modeling Window. Displays your model, geometry, and plots, and allows you to select entities and manipulate the view of the model in the modeling window.
  6. Browsers. Displays view-related functionality in HyperWorks Desktop by listing the parts of a model in a tabular and/or tree-based format, and provides controls inside the table that allow you to alter the display of model parts.
  7. Entity Editor. Opens when you select an entity in a browser, and allows you to view and edit entities in a model and correctly setup solver information.
  8. Panels. Displays pre-processing and post-processing tools.
  9. Status Bar. Displays information pertaining to the currently loaded model as well as descriptions of the pages and panels.
  10. Undo-Redo. Undo and redo actions
  11. Quick Access Tool. Quickly find and open the tools, panels, and browsers that are available from the menu bar pull-downs or from the Utility Browser, as well as create solver cards.