Results Browser

The Results Browser allows you to view the HyperLife model structure while providing find, display, and editing control of entities.

The model structure is viewed as a flat, listed tree structure within the browser. However, if the model has an assembly hierarchy, then the Results Browser accommodates this hierarchical structure.

The Results Browser can be turned on or off by clicking View > Browser. A check mark indicates the Results Browser is activated for display in the tab area.

Figure 1.
Note: The Results Browser is dockable, meaning it can be positioned anywhere within the graphical user interface by dragging it with your mouse.

Use the second drop-down menu to change the subcase that's contoured in the modeling window

Multiple entities of the same type are collected into folders in the tree structure. Each folder can be expanded or collapsed to display or hide its contents. Assemblies can also have sub-folders within the main Assembly folder, so that the items related to each assembly appear within that assembly’s folder in the Assembly Hierarchy.

Components and Systems may appear in multiple places in the tree; for example, a specific component might appear under Components and again as a sub-item of a specific Assembly or Entity Set. When appropriate, the color and display style of entities also display in the Results Browser.

The Results Browser includes a right-click context menu and controls built into the display tree.
  • The right-click context menu provides the ability to show or hide entities within the model, add entities to a HyperLife panel collector, and activate or deactivate search and sorting capability.
  • You can find, sort, and filter entities in the Results Browser's tree list and the search toolbar widget.
    Tip: Click to return to the default tree view.
  • The tree list within the browser is configurable, so that you can determine which columns and entity types that display in the tree. To configure the Results Browser, right-click in the browser, select Configure Browser, and make your selections in the appearing window. To configure the browser columns, right-click on a column heading and make your selections.

Click X to close the Results Browser.

Entity Editor

The Entity Editor section of the Results Browser allows you to view and edit various entity conditions/properties. Click on an entity in the upper portion of the browser to automatically display the properties assigned to that entity in the Entity Editor (located in the lower half of the browser).

Figure 2.