Readers, Writers, and Functions

Register import templates, external readers, external functions, and export templates in the current session or add them to the current preferences.mvw file.

The following tabs are included:

Import Templates
Register import templates in the current session, append import templates to the current preferences.mvw file, or save registered import templates to a new preferences.mvw file.
External Readers
Register external readers in the current session, append external readers to the current preferences.mvw file, or save external readers to a new preferences.mvw file.
External Functions
Register external functions in the current session, append external functions to the current preferences.mvw file, or save external functions to a new preferences.mvw file.
Export Templates
Register export templates in the current session, append export templates to the current preferences.mvw file, or save registered export templates to a new preferences.mvw file.
Each tab contains the following options:
Adds the selected reader, writer, function, or template to the current list in the Readers, Writers, and Functions dialog.
Save as…
Saves selected readers, writers, and functions to a new preferences.mvw file.
Once the selected reader, writer, function, or template is registered, Append adds it to the preferences.mvw file in your working directory.
Note: The default preferences.mvw file is set using the File > Load > Preference File menu option.