Plot Browser Context Sensitive Menu

From the Plot Browser, right-click on a highlighted entity to access the following context sensitive menu options.

Current Project Menu

Expand All
Expands all entities in the current project, exposing all items nested within the folder.
Collapse All
Collapses all entities in the current project.

Page Context Menu

Expand All
Expands all pages in the session, exposing all items nested within the folder.
Collapse All
Collapses all pages in the session.
Select All
Selects all page titles in the session.
Note: When in Toggle Sync Mode, , the Select All option is unavailable.

Plot Window Context Menu

Expand All
Expands all plot windows in the session, exposing all items nested within the window.
Collapse All
Collapses all plot windows in the session.
Select All
Selects all plot windows in the session.
Select All in Page
Selects all plot windows on the page.
Pastes a copied window.
Autofit Curves
Applies Auto Fit to the curves in the selected plot window.
Note: When in Toggle Sync Mode, , the Select All and Select All in Page options are unavailable.

Single and Multiple Curve Math Menus

Select All
Selects all curves in the session.
Select All in Page
Selects all curves on the page.
Select All in Window
Selects all curves in the window.
Isolate displays only the selected curve(s), turning their display state to on, and turning all other curves off. You can isolate per window, across pages, or across the session.
Isolate Only
Similar to Isolate, except that it also affects curves other than the selected curve. This turns off ALL displayable curves except for those selected. This action can be applied per window, across pages, or across the session.
Reverse Isolate
Reverse Isolate hides the selected curve and displays only the non-selected curves. This action can be applied per window, across pages, or across the session.
Reverse Isolate Only
When more than one curve is selected, Reverse Isolate hides the selected curves and displays only the non-selected curves. This action can be applied per window, across pages, or across the session.
Turn On
Displays a curve in the graphics window.
Turn Off
Hides a curve in the graphics window.
Removes the curve from the Plot Browser and deletes it from the current session.
Copies the selected curve. To paste it into the browser, select the window name from the browser, right-click and select Paste.
Deletes the curve from the session.
You can also select a curve from the Plot browser and delete it by pressing the Delete keyboard key.
Single Curve Math
Performs a math functions on a single curve, which results in the creation of a new curve.
Included in the name of the new curve is the name of the math function. For example, if you choose to perform the Derivative function on curve 1 and there were currently three curves in the session, the new curve would be named c4:Derivative--Lower Torso. The new curve is also added to the Curve list on the Define Curves panel.
Multiple Curve Math
Performs math functions on multiple curves, which results in the creation of a new curve. The name of the math function is also included in the name of a new curve. For example, c7:Resultant.
You can choose to get the sum or resultant of multiple curves.
If you have the Vehicle Safety Tools loaded, the Filter and Injury menu options are also included on the context sensitive menu. Please see the Vehicle Safety Tools topic for more information.
Note: When in Toggle Sync Mode, , the Select All and Select All in Page options are unavailable.

Vector Context Menu

Select All
Selects all vectors displayed in the tree.
Select All in Page
Selects all vectors displayed on the page.
Select All in Window
Selects all vectors displayed in the window.
Note: When in Toggle Sync Mode, , this menu is disabled.

You can also add your own options to the context sensitive menu using the *BrowserContextMenuItem() preference file command.