Standalone Product Unit Draw

In addition to the HyperWorks 2019 product suite, there are many HyperWorks standalone products that draws the HyperWorks Units. The following table is a summary of HWUs drawn of those products.

Product HWUs License Feature Description
Embed 20 EmbedCodeGen Model based embedded development environment that shortens implementation and testing phase for embedded systems.
Embed Simulation Edition 15 EmbedSimulation Simulation edition of Altair Embed.
Embed Digital Power Designer 30 EmbedDigitalPower Simulate and generate code for power supply and digital power components and controls. Model end-to-end analog, digital, and mixed-mode communication systems.
ESAComp 6 ESAComp Composite design software. ESAComp draws 6 HyperWorks units, stacked.
MultiScale Designer Free Multiscale Designer plugin for OptiStruct or RADIOSS.
6 MDSPlugin MultiScale Designer macro solver plugin for LS-DYNA and Abaqus.
35 MDSPro An efficient tool for development and simulation of multiscale material models of continuous, woven, and/or chopped fiber composites, honeycomb cores, reinforced concrete, soil, bones, and various other heterogeneous materials.
ElectroFlo 21 ElectroFloGUI A Thermal package to simulate challenging electronics cooling and other EDA design applications.
FluxMotor 15 FluxMotor A flexible, open software tool dedicated to the pre- design of electric rotating machines.
SimSolid 30 SimSolid A structural analysis software developed specifically for design engineers. It eliminates geometry simplification and meshing, enabling the analysis of fully-featured CAD assemblies without meshing.