Run HyperWorks on Linux

HyperWorks Invoke Scripts

HyperWorks invoke scripts are located in <HW installation>/altair/scripts/.

They allow you to launch applications or utilities on Linux platforms with default environment variables. The following tasks can be performed using invoke scripts.

Launch HyperWorks Products

The following scripts are used to launch HyperWorks applications.

Command Options Description
acusim   Launch AcuSolve Product environment
basicfea   Launch BasicFEA profile
blanknest   Launch BlankNesting
cadfeko   Launch CADFEKO-model creator (geometry, mesh, configuration)
cadfekobatch   Launch command line model mesher
Compose   Launch Compose
Compose_Batch   Launch Compose in batch mode
Compose_Console   Launch Compose console mode
Compose_Help   Open Compose help
editfeko   Launch EDITFEKO-advanced text-based model creator
es_aerospace   Launch Engineering Solutions/HyperWorks Aero
es_basicfea   Launch Engineering Solutions/BasicFEA_profile
es_cfd   Launch Engineering Solutions/HyperWorks CFD
es_crash   Launch Engineering Solutions/Crash
es_droptest   Launch Engineering Solutions/Drop Test
es_nvh   Launch Engineering Solutions/NVH
feko_help   Launch Feko help
FluxSupervisor   Launch Flux Supervisor
hc   Launch HyperCrash
help   Open HyperWorks local help
hfsolver   Launch Manufacturing Solutions/Radioss 1 Step
hg   Launch HyperGraph
hm   Launch HyperMesh
hmbatch -c<command filename>

-tcl <file>

Launch HyperMesh using batch mode
hmdesktop   Launch HyperMesh client from HyperWorks Desktop
hst   Launch HyperStudy
hst -studyfile=<filename> Automatically read the file after launching HyperStudy
hstbatch   Launch HyperStudy using batch mode
hv   Launch HyperView
hvp   Launch HyperView Player
hvvh   Launch HyperWorks Verification and Validation Harness tool
hw_batchmesh   Launch the Batchmesher user interface where you can interactively set up the required entries
hx   Launch HyperXtrude
mdl_batch -c<session filename> Launch MotionSolve using batch mode
mfs_forging   Launch Manufacturing Solutions/Forging application
mfs_hf   Launch Manufacturing Solutions/HyperForm application
mfs_hyperweld   Launch Manufacturing Solutions/HyperWeld application
mfs_hx   Launch Manufacturing Solutions/HyperXtrude application
mfs_hypermold   Launch Manufacturing Solutions/HyperMold application
mit   Launch HyperGraph Model Identification tool
motionsolve   Launch MotionSolve
motionsolve_subroutine_builder   Launch MotionSolve Subroutine Builder tool
mview   Launch MotionView
nfx   Launch nanoFluidX
optfeko   Launch OPTFEKO-optimization engine
optistruct   Launch OptiStruct
ossmooth   Launch OSSmooth
pmstudio   Launch Process Studio
postfeko   Launch POSTFEKO-solution visualizer (post-processor)
prefeko   Launch PREFEKO-model pre-processor
queuefeko_gui   Launch QUEUEFEKO GUI
radioss   Launch Radioss
resmap   Launch HyperWorks Results Mapper
runfeko   Launch the Feko solver
SimLab2019   Launch SimLab
templex Template.tpl <output> Launch Templex
ufx   Launch ultraFluidX
VirtualWindTunnel_ultraFluidX   Launch Virtual Wind Tunnel for ultraFluidX
VirtualWindTunnel_ultraFluidX_H   Launch Virtual Wind Tunnel for ultraFluidX help

Execute Translators or Tools

Command Options Descriptions
amfbuilder Launch AMF Builder to convert AVI files or a collection of image files to AMF movie files, which can be read by HyperView.
Note: The AMF Builder is only available for Windows PC.
batchassembler The Batch Assembler builds a finite element assembly using HyperMesh without user interaction. Details are documented in the Data Manager Batch Assembler section.
cad2h3d Translates any HyperMesh supported CAD file into an H3D (.h3d) file.
dads_graph Motion External Reader to convert DADS formatted output to Altair std. format
fatigueprep Translate h3d flexbody file to .fes file
feko_updater Launch Feko command line updater
feko_updater_gui Launch Feko updater in GUI Mode
fil2mrf Translate Abaqus result file (.fil) to Altair multibody result file (.mrf) for animation in HyperView, and/or Altair binary file (.abf) for plotting in HyperGraph, and/or tabulated ASCII file (.tab).
flexprep -<unit_option_list >




Convert Nastran punch files, via ADAMS DMAP alters, to an Altair H3D file.

Translate ADAMS MNF files to an Altair H3D file. Converts an Altair H3D file to an ADAMS MTX file.

hgadams Reads an ADAMS .req file into HyperGraph. Converts an ADAMS .req file to an Altair .abf file
hgares Translate ADAMS ASCII files (.res) to Altair binary files (.abf).
hgmrf Reads an Altair .mrf file into HyperGraph 2D.

Converts an Altair .mrf file to an Altair .abf file.

Specifies a file containing the number of requests in file.req to be translated.
Translate ADAMS request files (.req) to Altair binary files (.abf).
Quick translation option that translates all results to an ABF file without a config file.
Displays the help.
Config file name.
Output file (ABF).
Enables result compression using standard file compression.
Translates HyperGraph plot and time history files to a compressed and platform independent ABF file.
Lists all the options
Translate Abaqus .fil result file to HyperMesh binary result file format.
Lists all the options
Translate ANSYS .rst result file to HyperMesh binary result file format.
hmasl ASL translator to HyperMesh binary results.
Lists all the options
Translate cmold result file to HyperMesh binary result file format.
Lists all the options
Translate DYTRAN result file to HyperMesh result file format.
-ds - d and s
(default off)
Displacement Offset (default off)
Long Float Files (default off)
Long Id Files (default off)
Translation is performed on disk (default off).
Number of entities (10000 default)
Scratch file name (default off)
Hmresdmp reads a binary HyperMesh results file and displays it as ASCII.
Lists all the options
Translate MOLDFLOW result file to HyperMesh result file format.
Lists all the options
Translate MADYMO result file to HyperMesh result file format.
hmmovie Translate MOVIEBYU ASCII results to HyperMesh Binary Results.
Lists all the options
Translate Nastran punch file to HyperMesh result file format.
Lists all the options
Translate Nastran f06 file to HyperMesh result file format.
Lists all the options
Translate Nastran OP2 file to HyperMesh result file format.
Lists all the options
Translate Nastran opt file to HyperMesh result file format.
Lists all the options
Translate LS-NIKE3D binary results files to HyperMesh binary results files.
Lists all the options
Translate PAM-CRASH result file to HyperMesh result file format.
Lists all the options
Translate information from a PATRAN binary results file to HyperMesh result file format (limited support).
hmresdmp Translates an HyperMesh binary .res file to ASCII data.
Quick translation option that translates all results to an H3D file without a config file
Displays the help.
Config file name.
Output file (H3D).
Enables result compression using standard file compression.
Enables result compression using high file compression.
Translates a solver result file to an H3D file.
Merges the following components into a single real component image named merged_name.
Extracts the specified component from the input file.
Reads the component list from the specified file.
Specifies angle for edge detection.
A graphics translator that extracts components from an input file and creates an MotionView graphics file.

Linux Commands to Run HyperWorks Utilities

The following scripts are used to start HyperWorks utilities.

Command Options Description
abaqus_odb_upgrade -help Convert old version of Abaqus ODB result file to version 6.5 format.
hw_sysinfo   This script outputs to stdout the operating system kernel level, architecture type, ram installed/used and display information.
hw_tclsh   HyperWorks Tclsh interpreter
hw_wish   HyperWorks Wish interpreter