Use Quick Publish from the Session Browser

From the Publish column in the Session Browser, select the pages or windows that you want to publish to PowerPoint. Once selected, right-click in the Session Browser to access the following context menu options:
Create Tag
To create a tag for a new entity in the Session Browser, right-click on the entity and select Create Tag. The following dialog opens:

Figure 1.
Enter a tag name and select its format from the drop-down menu.
Tag Table
To view, rename, delete, or change the format for tags while in the Session Browser, right-click and select Tag Table from the context menu. See the previous Tag Table definition for more information.
Quick Publish
Transfers data to PowerPoint from the HyperWorks Desktop session with respect to what is selected/highlighted in theSession Browser (the publishing settings will be ignored). Quick Publish always create new pages in the PowerPoint file. If you are on aHyperWorks Desktop page, HyperGraph notes are tagged and no windows are selected for publishing; the page must be selected so that the notes will be published.
Publish Settings
See Publishing Settingsto learn more about the EMF and MPT file format option available when publishing a session.