mdlIModelClient SetObjectPickContextList
Sets the list of objects that can be picked from the Graphic Window.
mdlIModelClient_handle SetObjectPickContextListentity
MotionView Tcl Modify
This command sets the list of objects in the pick context. It can later be retrieved using GetObjectPickContextList command. This command modifies the objects that can be graphically picked from the Graphic Window.
- entity
- The variable name of the object to be set in the pick context.
hwi GetSessionHandle sess1
sess1 GetProjectHandle pro1
pro1 GetPageHandle pa1 [pro1 GetActivePage]
pa1 GetWindowHandle win1 [pa1 GetActiveWindow]
win1 GetClientHandle mcl
mcl GetRootObjectHandle mo
mo InterpretEntity en Point p_0 "\"Point 0\""
en ReleaseHandle;
mcl GetObjectPickContextList
mcl SetObjectPickContextList p_0
mcl GetObjectPickContextList
mcl ReleaseHandle;
win1 ReleaseHandle;
pa1 ReleaseHandle;
pro1 ReleaseHandle;
sess1 ReleaseHandle;
Returns 0 if successful, otherwise an error code.