mdlIModelClient GetGlobalOption
Gets a global option for all MotionView clients.
mdlIModelClient_Handle GetGlobalOptionoption
MotionView Tcl Query
This command retrieves a global option for all MotionView clients. A global option is an option that spans all model clients. For example, when you set an option in one model client and retrieve it in another model client, it reflects what you set in the first model client. This command can be viewed as a way to retrieve some of the user preferences (which can be set using the SetGlobalOption command).
- option
- The list of various available options is displayed below:
- meshlinecolor_idx
- Color index for mesh lines.
- foreground_idx
- Color index for foreground items, such as text.
- background_idx
- Color index for the top of the background.
- background2_idx
- Color index for the bottom of the background.
- axis_xcolor_idx
- Color index of the triad's x axis.
- axis_ycolor_idx
- Color index of the triad's y axis.
- axis_zcolor_idx
- Color index of the triad's z axis.
- specular_color_idx
- Color index used for the material's specularity (the color the material displays when it is shiny).
- parametric_editbox_color_idx
- Color index of the parametric text box.
- gradient_type
- Gradient type used in the Graphics Window.
- draw_triad
- Display the Global Frame implicit graphic.
- draw_model_title
- Display the model file name in the Graphic Window.
- zoom_factor
- Magnitude of how much a model can be zoomed in or out.
- simplify_bgfg_on_capture
- True if activated, otherwise False.
- material_shininess
- Index of the material shininess (0-128).
- pick_aperture
- Index of the option selected.
- check_general
- Check general model information for Reference errors whenever a CheckModel is run.
- check_DOF
- Check and display Degrees of Freedom when a user does a CheckModel.
- check_files
- Check and display all the files being used by a Model, whenever a CheckModel is run.
- check_data
- Check and display suspect data for any errors whenever a CheckModel is run. For example, a free body (which is not attached to Ground in any way) will be listed in Suspect Data whenever a CheckModel is run.
- wizard_menu_state
- Enable or disable the Wizard Menu state. 'True' will enable the menu state and 'False' will disable it.
- mv_last_dir
- The last directory used by MotionView.
- mv_write_anim_file
- Save the .maf file (or not). If 'True', the .maf file will be created. If 'False', no .maf file will be created.
hwi GetSessionHandle sess1
sess1 GetProjectHandle pro1
pro1 GetPageHandle pa1 [pro1 GetActivePage]
pa1 GetWindowHandle win1 [pa1 GetActiveWindow]
win1 GetClientHandle mcl
mcl GetGlobalOption foreground_idx
mcl GetGlobalOption background_idx
mcl ReleaseHandle;
win1 ReleaseHandle;
pa1 ReleaseHandle;
pro1 ReleaseHandle;
sess1 ReleaseHandle;
Returns the value of the key 'option'. If there is an error, an error code will be returned.