mdlIModelClient CreateModel
Creates a model using the file specified.
mdlIModelClient_Handle mdlIModelClient_HandleFilename, Type
MotionView Tcl Modify
This command creates a model using the file specified.
- Filename
- The name of the file using the model which is to be created.
- Type
- The type of the file to be used to create the model:
- mdl
- for MDL files
- for PDF files
- adm
- for ADAMS files
Copy the file slider_crank.mdl into the present working directory.
hwi OpenStack
hwi GetSessionHandle sess1
sess1 GetProjectHandle pro1
pro1 GetPageHandle pa1 [pro1 GetActivePage]
pa1 GetWindowHandle win1 [pa1 GetActiveWindow]
win1 GetClientHandle mcl
mcl CreateModel "slider_crank.mdl" mdl
mcl ReleaseHandle;
win1 ReleaseHandle;
pa1 ReleaseHandle;
pro1 ReleaseHandle;
sess1 ReleaseHandle;
hwi CloseStack;
Returns 0 if the model is created, otherwise an error code.