
Expands parametric bounds of the surface by given values.


bool GeomSurfaceExpandParameterBounds(
const HM_EntityGeometrySurface & surf,
bool extend_by_length3d,
double u_start_extend_value,
double u_end_extend_value,
double v_start_extend_value,
double v_end_extend_value
double u_start_ref3d_v = 0,
double u_end_ref3d_v = 0,
double v_start_ref3d_u = 0,
double v_end_ref3d_u = 0,
int continuity_degree = 0


HyperMesh Ext API


The function is supported for NURBS_SURFACE type only.

If one or more of extension value parameters (u_start_extend_value, u_end_extend_value, v_start_extend_value, v_end_extend_value) are zero or negative then those parameters are ignored and no extension is added to corresponding parametric boundary of the surface. If none of parameters is positive then the function returns false.

All parametric values are given in units relative to corresponding parametric range of the input surface. For example, if U parametric range of the surface is [-3…7] then extension value u_end_extend_value equal to 0.1 corresponds to absolute extension value of 1 (assuming extend_by_length3d is false) and will result in extension of the U parametric range of the surface to [-3…8]. The value of v_start_ref3d_u equal to 0.8 in this case corresponds to absolute U parameter value of reference point equal to 5.

Use the function HM_ExtAPI::GeomSurfaceGetParameterBounds() to obtain parametric range of the surface.

If the function succeeds, the return value is true. If the function fails, the return value is false. To get extended value information, call HM_ExtAPI::GetLastErrorCode().

Requires including hm_extapi.h.


[in] - Handle to surface object that was returned by previous calls to API functions.
[in] - Specifies whether extension sizes are given as approximate extension lengths or corresponding surface parameter extension values. The parameter can have one of following values.
true - Extension values are given as lengths.
false - Extension values are given as surface parameters.
[in] - If extend_by_length3d is false then the value by which parametric range of the surface increases at U parameter start. If extend_by_length3d is true then approximate length of surface extension at U parameter start measured from the point with V parameter equal to u_start_ref3d_v.
[in] - If extend_by_length3d is false then the value by which parametric range of the surface increases at U parameter end. If extend_by_length3d is true then approximate length of surface extension at U parameter end measured from the point with V parameter equal to u_end_ref3d_v.
[in] - If extend_by_length3d is false then the value by which parametric range of the surface increases at V parameter start. If extend_by_length3d is true then approximate length of surface extension at V parameter start measured from the point with U parameter equal to v_start_ref3d_u.
[in] - If extend_by_length3d is false then the value by which parametric range of the surface increases at V parameter end. If extend_by_length3d is true then approximate length of surface extension at V parameter end measured from the point with U parameter equal to v_end_ref3d_u.
[in] - If extend_by_length3d is true then the value of V parameter of the point from which extension distance is measured at U parameter start. Ignored if extend_by_length3d is false.
[in] - If extend_by_length3d is true then the value of V parameter of the point from which extension distance is measured at U parameter end. Ignored if extend_by_length3d is false.
[in] - If extend_by_length3d is true then the value of U parameter of the point from which extension distance is measured at V parameter start. Ignored if extend_by_length3d is false.
[in] - If extend_by_length3d is true then the value of U parameter of the point from which extension distance is measured at V parameter end. Ignored if extend_by_length3d is false.
[in] - Continuity degree of the extension. The parameter can have one of following values.
0: Extension is continuous with the surface up to the highest degree on corresponding parameter.
n > 0: Extension is continuous with the surface up to n-th cross-boundary derivative on corresponding parameter. Higher derivatives are set to zero.

