
Inserts cavity into existing solid.


bool GeomSolidInsertCavity(
const HM_EntityGeomSolid& solid,
const HM_EntityGeomFace& shell_face,
int& orient_code


HyperMesh Ext API


The shell that contains the face specified by the shell_face parameter must have closed volume. If the shell contains several faces then all face edges must be equivalenced between each other to form the closed volume.

If the function succeeds, the return value is true. If the function fails, the return value is false. To get extended value information, call HM_ExtAPI::GetLastErrorCode().

Requires including hm_extapi.h.


[in] - Handle to solid object that was returned by previous calls to API functions.
[in] - Handle to face object that was returned by previous calls to API functions. The cavity is created within boundary shell that contains the face specified by shell_face parameter.
[in/out] - Specifies orientation of the cavity faces. This parameter can have one of following values.
1: Cavity is created on the lower side of the face specified by shell_face. The normal of the face is directed inside the volume of the solid.
-1: Cavity is created on the upper side of the face specified by shell_face. The normal of the face is directed inside the volume of the cavity.
0: Cavity faces orientation is calculated geometrically. The cavity is created within the closed volume. The parameter in this case return resulted solid orientation with respect to the face specified by shell_face.

